Avro Lancaster 80th Anniversary Of The 1st Operational Sortie

In March 1942 the first sorties of the AVRO Lancaster aircraft took place. This commemorative event for Lancaster aircraft is being simultaneously partnered in the UK by callsign GB80LAN; and, in Canada by callsign VE80LAN organised by Hamilton Amateur Radio Club, and Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum and, in Australia by callsign VK80LAN organised by the Western Australian VHF Group. They want to commemorate those involved with the Lancaster.

Also of interest, is that the Lincoln Short Wave Club will be operating GB6IBC from the International Bomber Command Memorial on 5th March 2022.

Unusually Ofcom has given permission for the call to be used at several different locations. Currently confirmed operations will take place from the three active RAF Station Amateur Radio Clubs at RAF Waddington, RAF Cosford and RAF Halton. Also the call will be on the air from ex RAF East Kirkby which is now the home of the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre and Lancaster “Just Jane”.

CURRENT SCHEDULE:- (subject to amendment)

  • RAF WADDINGTON 2nd – 8th

  • RAF EAST KIRKBY 9th – 12th

  • RAF COSFORD 15th – 21st

  • RAF HALTON 1st & 22nd – 28th

In Australia, the WA VHF Group requested for the special event call sign VK80LAN to be available through March. VK80LAN hopes to be operating from the radio room in the Lancaster Bomber at the RAAFA Aviation Heritage Museum in Bull Creek, a suburb of Perth. A roster of operators wishing to take advantage of operating the special event callsign during the month is being drawn up.

Further info is available from the QRZ pages and Museum links as only snippets have been included here – https://www.qrz.com/db/VK80LAN

Also, checkout the WoSARS CALENDAR entry as to who is working the stations.

URESAT-1 – A chess playing ham radio satellite

“……………….One of the projects that is confirmed is a chess game that will allow radio amateurs to play having as an opponent the on-board computer sending FSK frames with the movements, to which the on-board computer will answer in its telemetry. Several radio amateurs are working on the project and if it is completed by the time the satellite is due to be delivered, it will be included………………” Read more – HERE .


ICOM 245 Given A New Brain

By Al Williams

Old radios didn’t have much in the way of smarts. But as digital synthesis became more common, radios often had as much digital electronics in them as RF circuits. The problem is that digital electronics get better and better every year, so what looked like high-tech one year is quaint the next. [IMSAI Guy] had an Icom IC-245 and decided to replace the digital electronics inside with — among other things — an Arduino. Read MORE ……………

Elecraft Newsletter – November

TAGS: KPA1500 Amplifiers Are Ready to Ship!, KPA100 Amplifier Kit Retired,K4 Update High-Performance Direct Sampling SDR, A Suggested VFO Parking Place, Eric Covers the Newest K4 Features, K4 Documentation, See Our November Specials!

WoSARS Goes On Holiday To Fife And Comes Back With A Souvenir

Well it all started with an email from James 2M0RMP ………..

“…………..26th Oct 20……………….Jack can you email me your number I have a wind up mast that needs a new home…………..”

In discussion with James, he said he’d met a nice lady who lived just outside St Andrews in Fife and had a tower in her back garden with a ‘protrusion’ upon it; both were required to be removed.

A VersaTower with a ‘Protrusion’

Well what else could we do but help out this nice lady with a trip though to the sunny ‘Fife Rivera’.

And indeed, in June the ‘gang’, Alan GM4TOQ, Sam GM4BGS, Ted 2M0VGY and yours truly headed through to the ‘sunny’ east coast to administer the necessary surgery.

The Fife ‘TEAM’ (Picture Courtesy of Alex Paris)
‘Dropping’ The Tower
Sam & Ted Perform Surgery – Removing The ‘Protrusion’












Sparks ‘Fly’ As Alan Cuts The Ground Post

It was intended to try and remove the Ground Post from below the surrounding grass level but this proved beyond the kit we had with us on the day, resorting to cutting it off with a grinder. Not ideal but it did the trick.

And WoSARS would like to thank Alex Paris and family for allowing us to remove their elaborate ‘flagpole’ 🙂 and return it to it’s rightful place in the hierarchy of radio towers. Thanks folks!

And discussions are initially on-going within the Committee as to the use that the tower will be put to. These will be presented to the Members in due course as to their own thoughts.

And, who was the original amateur that owned the house? Alex had no information but did have some communication from Ofcom – with just a reference number on it, but no amateur callsign – a fat lot of use that is! Well I carried out a wee bit investigative work using QRZ.com’s search facilities and tracked GM4DPC ; still listed on QRZ, though a SK for many years? (he left the QTH many years ago). I contacted Ofcom on Alex’s behalf, to inform them that GM4DPC no longer lived at the QTH. They acknowledged accordingly and as a consequence his entry in QRZ maybe removed?

Oh the ‘Protrusion’? Not too sure, but I think it’s was being used as part of a Wi-Fi node for the village years ago when there was limited landline/mobile internet facilities? I have it at my QTH and at the time of writing this article, I have still to ‘sweep’ it?



The Russian Woodpecker Becomes A Tourist Attraction

Wikipedia Information – CLICK

Ukraine has declared that the enormous Duga-1 radar array is a protected cultural monument.

Almost 2,300 feet long and more than 450 feet high, the steel beams of the radar tower over the surrounding forest. From a distance, it appears to be a massive wall or the start of a cage.

Extract from Wikipedia:

“………………….Jamming the Woodpecker

To combat this interference, amateur radio operators attempted to jam the signal by transmitting synchronized unmodulated continuous wave signals at the same pulse rate as the offending signal. They formed a club called The Russian Woodpecker Hunting Club.[10] Core group members would frame the “Official Practice Target” in their radio shacks……………………”

Click HERE for more information.

Elecraft Newsletter – May

May Newsletter – CLICK

TAGS: Elecraft K4 Independent Test Results; K4 Software Release 17; K3/K3S Options and Upgrades; KRX3A; 2021 Conventions; QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo; W9 DXCC; Pacificon; K4 Update; K4 Documentation; Learn more about the K4-YouTube; Spring Sale;

Elecraft News – April



April Newsletter – CLICK

TAGS: Signals Wild Signals Caged; QSO Today Virtual HAM EXPO 2021 – Prize Winners Announced;QSO Ham Expo 2021 Prize Winner;K3S Options News;Elecraft Employment Opportunities
K4 Update – New YouTube Video

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