YL Radio News – April 2022



Results of the SARL YL QSO Party

Radio ZS coverZS5YH editor of yl.beam.

JA-WELL-NO-FINE (Editorial)

G6YL, Barbara Mary Dunn – 1st British YL

Pitcairn Island YL

Galápagos Islands


Mendaly Ries, LX2VY Luxembourg

SYLRA Program Finland Meet

Condolences & Silent Keys
AA4YL Cheryl Denise King Whitlock – S/K
K5JGC Burnette Boyett – S/K
K1LIZ Elizabeth (Liz) Burns – S/K

Contacts & Calendar

GB100BBC – Centenary Callsign For The BBC

CLICK – G8BBC – The London BBC Group

Members of the BBC’s radio club, The London BBC Radio Group, have been granted an exceptional all-year Special Event callsign to help celebrate the BBC’s centenary year in 2022.

Ofcom will permit GB100BBC to operate throughout the year, starting at midnight on New Year’s Day, from the headquarters station in Broadcasting House, London.

Operating slots will then be allocated for use by individual members and local groups of operators, from their home QTH, or BBC premises throughout the UK.

(Additional information for the article supplied by GM4COX)

Come And Join Us On The ICQPodcast Digital Group

The ICQPodcast is the proud owner of a digital talk group.

Accessible on many modes linked together through the ICQPodcast gateway, you can talk to your friends, fellow listeners and even your favourite ICQPodcast Presenter!

Even if you don’t own a digital radio, you can still get involved using either a smartphone app or listen in like a shortwave listener.

Find out more about the ICQPodcast DMR Group – https://www.icqpodcast.com/icqpodcast-digital-voice-talk-group

ICQPodcast DMR Group FAQ – https://www.icqpodcast.com/icqpodcast-dmr-faqs

73 ICQPodcast Team

The Russian Woodpecker Becomes A Tourist Attraction

Wikipedia Information – CLICK

Ukraine has declared that the enormous Duga-1 radar array is a protected cultural monument.

Almost 2,300 feet long and more than 450 feet high, the steel beams of the radar tower over the surrounding forest. From a distance, it appears to be a massive wall or the start of a cage.

Extract from Wikipedia:

“………………….Jamming the Woodpecker

To combat this interference, amateur radio operators attempted to jam the signal by transmitting synchronized unmodulated continuous wave signals at the same pulse rate as the offending signal. They formed a club called The Russian Woodpecker Hunting Club.[10] Core group members would frame the “Official Practice Target” in their radio shacks……………………”

Click HERE for more information.

AM5IP – 170th Anniversary of the birth of Isaac Peral

The Cartagena Team group will be active from May 28 to June 6  using the callsign AM5IP with a special QSL commemorating the 170th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Peral (Cartagena, June 1, 1851-Berlin, May 22, 1895), who was a Spanish scientist, sailor and military man, lieutenant in the Navy and inventor of the first torpedo submarine, known as the Peral submarine.

He had an intense career in the Spanish Navy, intervening in the Ten Years’ War in Cuba and in the Third Carlist War, for which he was congratulated and decorated. He also excelled in scientific work and missions: he wrote a “practical theoretical treatise on hurricanes”, he worked on the lifting of the plans for the Simanalés canal (Philippines) and in 1883 he took over the chair of Physics-Mathematics at the School of Expansion of Studies of the Navy.

More info – HERE .

Snips – News For Scotland – 16th May

The news headlines:

  • Add your voice to the amateur radio survey
  • New YOTA contest begins next weekend
  • RadCom news

GB2RS Script – HERE .


Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society now sees the Zello chat take place from 7pm on Friday, which then moves at 9.30pm to a Net on GB3KV at 9.30pm. The DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm on Wednesdays continues to operate along with the Thursday net from 8pm on 70.425MHz. Further details can be found at www.mlars.co.uk.

A listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at www.wosars.club/radio-nets.

TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)

survey about amateur radio; new YOTA Contest; RadCom Plus; Sporadic-E; Friendship on the Air Award; Bletchley Park plans to re-open; VE2CSI/B beacon; Amateur Radio Direction Finding;  5MHZ New Zealand; SV9/DD1GG; TY5AB; GB0AEL first woman flying solo across the Atlantic; GB1SCW SOS radio week; 144MHz May Contest; 144MHz Backpackers; UK Microwave Group Millimetre Wave Contest.

BBC – Ten More Stations To Be Turned Off On The Medium Wave

Ten more local BBC radio stations are turning off their Medium Wave transmitters for good this year.

BBC Essex, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, BBC Radio Devon, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield, BBC Hereford & Worcester, BBC Radio Stoke, BBC Radio Lancashire, BBC Radio Ulster and BBC Radio Foyle will be FM and digital only in May and June 2021………………………

……………………In 2018 the corporation commenced with these and continued them in 2020 across Scotland, Wales, and England…………… Read More – HERE .

Snips – News For Scotland – 7th March

The news headlines:

  • 350 days of Covid-19 net
  • Ofcom EMF Notification news
  • NHS lauds Get on the air to care

GB2RS Script – HERE .


Sadly we have to report that Robert Fraser (Rab) MM0VUV from Denny has become a Silent. Key following contracting COVID-19. Rab received his full licence in 2011. After a break from the hobby for 7/8 years he re-joined his old Stirling Club GM6NX, where he won a Master of Communication Europe award. He was well known there and on the airwaves and we send condolences to his family.


A listing of all known nets in Scotland is collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony Miles, MM0TMZ in association with Jack Hood, GM4COX and the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society. These are then published www.wosars.club/radio-nets.

German Radio Hams Tackling RF Noise Pollution

DARC reports 35 Electrical Noise Area Monitoring Systems (ENAMS) have been delivered and another 20 locations are sought as part of the effort to monitor the interference from human-made noise on the HF bands

ENAMS is based on nationwide installed measuring stations that work as a network. With their help, the DARC can make scientifically reliable statements about interference levels on the frequencies. As is well known, the interference has increased in recent years, as various consumer devices drive up the noise level.

The ENAMS project was funded by the DARC Membership Pro in 2018.

ENAMS – https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/emv/enams/

The Finnish Amateur Radio League also offers the award SRAL100

The Finnish Amateur Radio League issues the SRAL 100 award in honour of the 100th anniversary year 2021. For the award, you must have contacts with at least 100 different OH amateurs. The contacts must be held between 1.1.2021 and 31.12.2021. All bands and modes allowed for radio amateurs may be used. Contacts via repeater stations are not accepted. Short wave listeners can also apply for the award. By working at least 100 OH stations during 2021 you can apply for the award. CLICK for more info.

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