NEWS FOR SCOTLAND & CLUB NEWS (GB2RS ) Extracts inc Additions
If you are Club’s an RSGB Affiliated Club check with your DR (RR2) that your club’s secretary is receiving it’s monthly copy of the Affiliated Societies Newsletter?
With Scottish Clubs returning to normal meeting details of club activities can usually be found on the individual club’s website. A summary of activities in Scotland can be found at www.wosars.club/radio-nets .
The penultimate Loch Lomond Sunday Night NET for this year takes place today from 8pm via EchoLink MB7IBH and Locally on 145.3375 and with a 103.5 Hz CTCSS. Early Check-ins from 7.45pm. Paul, MM3DDQ email mm3ddq@yahoo.co.uk
Lothians Amateur Radio Club has a meeting at 8pm on Wednesday with a talk by Malcolm Fergusson titled Bletchley Park, Section VIII and the Pentland Hills.
The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society – WoSARS has a Solder Group meeting at the CCA Sauchiehall Street on Wednesday evening. The Solder Group .
Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society meets at 7:30pm on Thursday and is having a talk on EMF Regulations. www.aars.org.uk
Lomond Radio Club has resumed club nights on Thursdays from 7.30pm at the John Connelly Centre in Renton. Barrie, gm0kzx@googlemail.com
On Friday, Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has resumed club meetings at 4a Auchengramont Road Hamilton ML3 6JP. There is a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Bill, MM0SFB, gm0syv@btinternet.com
This coming Friday; WoSARS there is a revision to the club’s programme with a talk by Jack, GM4COX on The 2955 Test Set – In’s & Out’s and Background .
CLUB NETS (Full Listings & Links – wosars.club/radio-nets)
To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to rr1@rsgb.org.uk. Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to radcom@rsgb.org.uk.