A Direct Entry to Full Licence: RSGB Consultation

By Tony Kent, G8PBH, Examination Standards Committee Chair

At the beginning of 2021 the ESC/ESRG consulted the UK Amateur radio community on the draft Direct to Full (D2F) syllabus. Over 1,200 responses were received.

About 86% of respondents felt the scope of the syllabus (range of topics covered) was appropriate for D2F, with 8% thinking it was too narrow and 6% thinking it was too broad. On the question about the standard (level of difficulty) of the syllabus, 80% thought it was about right, the remaining 20% split equally between too easy and too hard. A clear majority, 75%, thought the proposed number of exam questions is appropriate, while 17% thought there were too few and 8% too many……………..read MORE.

Members see POST#2513 .

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