Also in GB2RS this week…

From the 27 July to 3 August 2024, the Essex International Jamboree is welcoming around 10,000 scouts and guides—including 2,000 supporting volunteers from around the world—to Boyton Cross near Chelmsford. As part of the programme, amateur radio station GB24EIJ will be running a wide range of communications and electronics activities. The organising team intends the […]

Rallies and Events News – 28 July 2024

Today, the 28 July, Wiltshire Radio Summer Rally is taking place at Kington Langley Village Hall, Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ. The event is running from 9am to 1pm, admission is £3 and indoor tables cost £10. To take part in the car boot sale, a car-sized pitch costs £10 and a van-sized pitch is £15. […]

Special Events News – 28 July 2024

Special event station TM67JO is active to celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic Games which began on Friday 26 July. The operators include F1LFL on SSB, F5PZT using FT8 and FT4, and F5TFW on CW. QSL to F1LFL via the Bureau or directly. For more information about the special event station, which will be operating until […]

DX News – 28 July 2024

Jeff, W7BRS is active as VK2/W7BRS from Lord Howe Island, OC-004, until the 1 August. He is operating using CW, SSB and FT8 on the 40 to 10m bands. QSL via OQRS. A team of five UK operators will attempt to activate MM0UKI from the Flannan Islands, EU-118, in August. The uninhabited island group is […]

Contest News – 28 July 2024

The IOTA Contest started at 1200UTC on Saturday 27 July and finishes at 1200UTC today, Sunday 28 July. Using CW and SSB on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report, serial number and IOTA reference. Today, the 28 July, the UK Microwave Group 5.7 and 10GHz Contest runs […]

News for England South-East – 28 July 2024

Banbury Amateur Radio Society has a net most evenings on 144.5125MHz FM. For more information visit On Wednesday, Bishop’s Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on 145.5625MHz. All are welcome to join in. Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a net via the GB3BN repeater from 5pm on Sundays. On Wednesday, the […]

News for England South-West – 28 July 2024

On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net on 144.260MHz at 10.30am. The Club has weekday nets taking place from 4pm on 145.450MHz, except Wednesday when the net moves to 144.260MHz between 8 and 9pm. The Club’s Friday nets take place from 11am […]

News for Wales – 28 July 2024

The next meeting of Aberdare and District Amateur Radio Society will be held on Friday 2 August at Hirwaun YMCA Hall, CF44 9RB from 6pm. Ian Miles 2W0IWM, Aberkenfig and District Amateur Radio Club has its weekly meeting on Wednesday from 7pm at Tondu Railway Club, Station Approach, Bridgend. The club is an approved […]

RSGB Board co-opts two new Directors

When Paul Nichols, M0PVN resigned as an RSGB Director in May, it created a vacancy on the Board. The Board decided that it was in the Society’s interests to expand the Board to nine people to help implement the Society’s strategic priorities. Under Article 37 it has co-opted Peter Bowyer, G4MJS and Peter Ransom, M0SFZ […]

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