Some years ago unknown Koreans amateur radio operators left behind a very complete set of ham radio equipment and antennas at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) near Phnom Penh. This great shack was sitting idle for some years until the Engineering Service Team of FEBC, through locally resident engineer, Mike Adams (XU7AJA/KH0AS) made contact with the school.
NPIC thought it might help interest students in radio careers if an amateur radio club could be started and the shack brought back into operation, which is how the NPIC Amateur Radio Club was born. Since anyone can be behind the mic as long as a properly licensed control operator is present, lots of professors and students got to spend time on the radios.The radio club has been active in contests, using Adams’ XU7AJA call sign.
FEBC International – Engineering Service Team held the first ARRL VEC Amateur Radio examination session in Cambodia on April 5.2018.
FEBC – Far East Broadcasting Company) an association of local broadcast ministries.
For further information checkout: https://guychrisfebc.blog/tag/npic/