YL SOTA’ing in LU Land

LU7EPT  Ana Paula Tessi,  activates 11 Argentinian Mountain Peaks  
by Carlos Almirón LU7DSY 20 April 2024

Ana Paula Tessi (LU7EPT) in June, 2024  will celebrate three years in the world of amateur radio. She overflows with enthusiasm when she talks about  radio and  wishes she’d found the activity sooner.

She joined the Radio Club San Nicolás LU1EY, where she did  the radio course and, shortly after receiving her license, she began with an experienced group to activate SOTA (Summits on the Air). By the time she completed her first year she had activated six summits.

After confirming the last four activations, Ana Paula felt the need to share her experiences and thank those who helped her.

“…… I needed to prove to myself that training was worth it.  My face hurt from smiling so much and my belly from laughing about her experiences ………….”

“………… Activations involved Team work:  My route partner LU3DPW Pablo; LU9MZO Diego, the sherpa that pushed us to the limits. I cannot stop thanking LU5YEC Mauricio for my antenna that makes me love the 2 meter band more every day ……..”

“……… Thanks also to Radio Club LU1EY, de San Nicolás de los Arroyos (B A) and the many radio fans who supported us ……………..”

“Ana Paula”


Ukraine Maintains Ham Radio Silence in State of Emergency

Radio amateurs in Ukraine appear to be diligently maintaining radio silence as the state of emergency declared there just prior to the Russian military invasion remains in effect. A February 24 decree from President Volodymyr Zelensky included “a ban on the operation of amateur radio transmitters for personal and collective use.” The Ukraine Amateur Radio League (UARL/LRU) reported this past week that it has received many messages of encouragement from the worldwide amateur radio community……Read MORE

YL Radio News – March 2022



Ja No Well Fine (Editorial)

Blind YL Pearl Pearce, ZS5BP

International Women’s Day
DARC YL Reference.
Selvamar News

Dutch Young Ladies Club

Scandinavian Yls

YL Remote Station Operation

Frederike Dötsch DH9FD Germany’s youngest YL



Contact & Calendar

YL Radio News – February 2022



ZR6D  Anette  appeals for input to celebrate 100 years of Amateur Radio 2025

Ja No Well Fine-  Aconcagua SOTA World Record

More about SOTA-YLs: Mexico,  Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, GMA, USA

Yls in  14th  Summer Lighthouse Weekend – Southern Hemisphere.  –


YL  operator from Seychelles.

Polish YL Dorothy SP2TO  and OM Slavo Chabiera SP2JMB Dx from Mauritius

Silent keys

Contacts & Calendar

Work Svalbard (JW) On Microwave

The very first Svalbard QO-100 Satellite DX-Pedition will take place 22-24 April 2022 from Kapp Linné – Isfjord Radio at 78° North.

They will operate two QO-100 satellite stations under the callsigns JW0W and JW100QO, while JW0X will be used by another team for contacts on shortwave.

With QO-100 only 3° above the horizon, Kap Linné was the only suitable place in the area with Svalbard at the edge of the satellite footprint. Looking for a suitable location to stay and getting there, is one of the biggest challenges and cost drivers for the team.

More information – https://amsat-dl.org/en/svalbard-qo-100-satellite-dx-pedition/

German North Pole DXpedition

Operators Martina DF3TS and Thomas DC8TM will activate Svalbard (EU-026) as JW/homecalls to start their DXpedition between April 9-12th. Activity will be on SSB and FT8.

They will then be active from a Russian “Severnyi Polyus” the Scientific Polar Drifting Base (enclave by RFF) approx. 80kms from the North Pole on the Arctic Ocean where they will activate the WWFF area RFF-0176.

Operators will use their special callsigns DP0LE (like POLE) and RA/DC8TM/P and RA/DF3TS/P to represent the Russian flag of the camp between April 14-17th. More info HERE .

‘To The Moon And Back’ – The First Radio Attempts

Cindy Stodola Pomerleau (Author)

On January 10, 1946, the US Army successfully bounced radio waves off the moon–the first-ever extraterrestrial communication, the birth of radar astronomy, and the opening salvo in the Cold War. The author was just shy of three years old at the time, and her father, E. King Stodola, was Scientific Director of the team that carried out the experiment, code-named Project Diana.

To mark the 75th anniversary of this historic event, Cindy Stodola Pomerleau has written a series of essays using Project Diana as a lens for examining the transformations and dislocations occurring in the US during World War II and its aftermath. Nearly half the book is devoted to World War II, with particular attention to the history of radar at Camp Evans, starting with its fumbling beginnings at Pearl Harbor and culminating in its stunning success in Project Diana. The second section is devoted to King Stodola himself and an examination of the confluence of internal and external factors that made him the right man for the moment. The last section provides a sampler of Jersey Shore life (e.g., the boardwalk, the Neptune Music Circus), contemporary American life (e.g., Sears, nylon stockings), and the author’s little-girl activities (e.g., her parakeet Archie, her Islander ukulele).

Steeped in good humour and nostalgia, these wide-ranging narratives explore Project Diana’s historical, sociological, political, and scientific context, as seen from the perspective of the tiny coastal New Jersey community where fate in the form of Camp Evans deposited the author’s parents and their neighbours. The book is a unique eye-witness account of an event and an era that marked a turning point in American history.

Order from Amazon – HERE .

Forest-Side State College Girls Pick Up Signals From MIR-SAT1

Forest-Side College ‘Satellite’ Girls

Mauritius’ first satellite has aroused overwhelming enthusiasm among students at Forest-Side State College.  the 1st school in Mauritius to have decoded MIR-SAT 1, using a Ground-station and appropriate software.

They are the second school in Mauritius to be equipped with a simplified ground station donated by Radio Amateurs.  Vickram Mungul, (3B8BBD) and physics teacher at this school is pleasantly surprised to see the girls’ extraordinary enthusiasm.

“The girls were very motivated, honoured and wanted to know more about the project,” he recalls. The  Girls’ interest in this Mauritian satellite started over a year ago when they were gradually exposed to the operation of satellites and their importance. Since knowledge about satellites is not widespread in Mauritius, they were first introduced to the NOAA satellite and decoding through the use of appropriate software was explained.

“We were not sure of ourselves at the very beginning as this is a new subject. But, little by little, we learned new things. This is what motivated us to learn more, ”says Christa Gunnoo. She now understands  how to communicate with international satellites, but especially what is taught in her physics classes.

Receiving telemetry from the Mauritian satellite was not an easy task for the college. Several tests had to be carried out. Once the tests were completed, there was no sign that the Groundstation was going to acknowledge the first signals.

Aïshani Beeharry-Panray, a Grade 12 student, explains that three software programs are essential for communication. The first concerns the radio, Tracking and the decoder. “The software allows us to know when the satellites will pass over Mauritius and its elevation. We also receive audio and images, ”she says.

The software the girls use is free. They made their own antenna using PVC pipes, solder, pieces of aluminium and glue

New VP0 Prefix For South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

Licences for amateur radio stations operated in the British Antarctic Territory have previously been issued under the provisions of the jurisdiction of the Falkland Islands Communications Regulator.

During 2020, the Falkland Islands Communication Regulator undertook a process to revalidate Falkland Islands Amateur Radio Licences, primarily to bring the Amateur Radio Licences into compliance with the Falkland Islands’ Communications Ordinance 2019. This process identified that the British Antarctic Territory was no longer covered by the provisions of the jurisdiction of the Falkland Island Communications Regulator, and that the Regulator no longer had the power to issue licences for amateur radio stations in the British Antarctic Territory……………Read MORE .

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