WoSARS Becomes An Exam Centre


Examination Centre Certificate

When the City & Guilds dropped the RAE (The Radio Amateurs Exam) and the RSGB/RCF took up the challenge, Club members were of the opinion that WoSARS in Rose Street did not have suitable facilities to run training courses and exams.

Following on from Ross GM7WED & Eugene G(M)0VIQ’s initial attempts, Alex GM7OAW took up the challenge, and make a start with running a Foundation Course on Friday nights (at Rose Street).

At that time the Foundation exam could be held anywhere, but the Full and possibly the Intermediate exams had to be at a registered exam centre. To overcome this shortfall, Alex applied to the RSGB for WoSARS to become an ACCREDITED Club & Centre, which was approved as in April 2005; with continuous training courses at all three levels being provided until the SOLDER GROUP was established a few years later (within the Electron Club).

For the exams, Alan GM4TOQ and Pat 2M1CKE were the regular invigilators (with Sam GM4BGS latterly taking over from Pat).

(Thanks Alex GM7OAW for background information)

And our present (2020 onwards) Training & Exam Secretary is Bill 2M0WWC. For further information checkout our LICENCE TRAINING Page.

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