“……………….One of the projects that is confirmed is a chess game that will allow radio amateurs to play having as an opponent the on-board computer sending FSK frames with the movements, to which the on-board computer will answer in its telemetry. Several radio amateurs are working on the project and if it is completed by the time the satellite is due to be delivered, it will be included………………” Read more – HERE .
Operators Martina DF3TS and Thomas DC8TM will activate Svalbard (EU-026) as JW/homecalls to start their DXpedition between April 9-12th. Activity will be on SSB and FT8.
They will then be active from a Russian “Severnyi Polyus” the Scientific Polar Drifting Base (enclave by RFF) approx. 80kms from the North Pole on the Arctic Ocean where they will activate the WWFF area RFF-0176.
Operators will use their special callsigns DP0LE (like POLE) and RA/DC8TM/P and RA/DF3TS/P to represent the Russian flag of the camp between April 14-17th. More info HERE .
Due to the Christmas holidays, the GB2RS News script for the Christmas period will be prepared early, on Wednesday the 22nd of December. So please send in any news or changes to radcom@rsgb.org.uk by 10am on Tuesday the 21st.
In this constantly changing pandemic situation, details of club activities can be found on the individual club’s website. A summary of activities in Scotland compiled by RSGB Regional Representative Tony, MM0TMZ can be found at wosars.club/radio-nets.
The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society successfully took part in last weekend’s TRANSATLANTIC CELEBRATIONS from their new Shack in the hills. Using a 167M (Top Band) Beverage Rx antenna in conjunction with a Top Band dipole, they successfully contacted GB2ZV, and also taking part G6XX, the RSGB’s contest station. Unfortunately W1AW though heard from 0225hrs onwards (peaking 549 by 0400hrs) they were unable to attract their attention for a QSO. Possibly a slight difference in power levels 70W v 1.5KW’s?
Also the Club has its Solder Group on Wednesdays and its main meeting on Fridays at the Rose Street HQ. Some meetings are also on Zoom. There are nets daily from 11am on 145.425MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there’s an open net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. Checkout WOSARS.CLUB
Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm, a Zoom meeting follows at 8pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon. Oli, MM0YOS, info@gm4riv.org
Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a net on Sundays from 7pm on 144.295MHz CW and from 7.30pm on 145.450MHz FM. There are daily nets around 7.035MHz from 10.15am, moving to 7.065MHz and 145.450MHz at 10.30am. derek.secaarg@gmail.com
Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society is open today for operating from 11am. It will also be open on Thursday from 7pm. secretary@gm6nx.com
Kingdom Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 7pm on 144.750MHz. Steve, MM0SKX, 0771 105 9343
The Lomond Sunday night net takes place from 8pm via EchoLink gateway MB7IBH and also locally on RF using 144.9625MHz, moving to DMR TG23559 from 9pm.
Dundee Amateur Radio Club holds nets on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG and GB3DD. Martin, 2M0KAU, 0776 370 8933
Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz CW. Tuesday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7.30pm. klarcinfo@gmail.com
The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs on Sundays from 6pm on 3.660 or 3.639MHz. Details are on their Facebook page
Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets daily from 10am on 3.790MHz except Sunday. Morse training is now available on request. Tam, 0775 352 6498
Paisley Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and on Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday, there is an FM net on 144.550MHz and on Zello from 7.30pm. Stuart, MM0PAZ, 0742 665 0757
On Monday, Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its net at 8pm on 433.525MHz FM. Norman, GM1CNH, 0774 094 6192
DV Scotland has a multi-mode net on Monday from 9pm to 10.30pm using GM5DVS. Details of how to access all DV Scotland repeaters is viadvscotland.net
Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is closed on Tuesday. Cathie, 2M0DIB, 01506 433 846.
Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has now stopped club meetings on Wednesday at 7.30pm at Green Tree Nursery until further notice owing to COVID restrictions.There is a net on Wednesday from 8pm on GB3BI and from 8.40pm on GB7II talkgroup 23558. Adrian, MM0DHY, InvernessRadioSociety@gmail.com
Falkirk Amateur Radio Club has a net via GB3FE from 8pm on Wednesday. Peter, gm8gax@tiscali.co.uk
Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is closed on Thursday. Checkout www.aars.org.uk
Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society meets every Friday from 7pm at Newarthill Community Education Centre 50 High Street Newarthill Motherwell ML1 5JU. Wednesday sees a net on TG 23550 from 8pm and on Thursday there’s a net on 70.425MHz from 8pm. www.mlars.co.uk
The Thursday Lomond Radio Club meeting at the John Connelly Centre in Renton has been suspended until further notice owing to the current COVID situation. Meeting nights will be replaced with a net on the GB3DM repeater at 19:30 Barrie, gm0kzx@googlemail.com
On Friday, Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Bill, MM0SFB, gm0syv@btinternet.com
To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to rr1@rsgb.org.uk. Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to radcom@rsgb.org.uk. The deadline for next week is close of play on Wednesday.
………In late August, amateur radio enthusiast Yukio Sakurai (59) from Matsuyama, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, accidentally received a distress signal for a small boat drifting off the coast of Niigata Prefecture, and gathered information in collaboration with other enthusiasts. It was revealed on the 6th that the Niigata Coast Guard (Niigata City) helped two crew members………….Read MORE ………….
In what is certain to be a gamechanger for radio amateur community, five Hyderabad-based Ham operators have made prototypes of down and up converters for the QO-100 satellite………………more HERE !
The 86-year-old identical twins studied electrical engineering and worked for pioneering computer companies at a time when few women had careers in STEM fields.
Janet and Janice Robidoux, have stuck together through a lifetime of adventures, which include building and racing canoes, driving RVs to every state and studying STEM [ANTRANIK TAVITIAN, STAR TRIBUNE]
They’ve travelled the world via the airwaves as avid ham radio operators, a hobby they took up in their teens…………..Read MORE .
The Sunday Loch Lomond net in the Vale of Leven which was temporarily suspended returns tonight. See the Facebook pages or contact mm3ddq@yahoo.co.uk
Falkirk Amateur Radio Club’s net on Wednesday is unable to operate until further notice owing to repeater GB3FE being down. Peter, gm8gax@tiscali.co.uk
For the same reason the Stirling Club Net today and the ones on Monday and Thursday are also not taking place on GB3FE
A listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at www.wosars.club/radio-nets.
TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)
Dartmoor Radio Rally; McMichael Rally; East Suffolk Wireless Revival; What you need to know as an amateur radio user and the Ofcom EMF calculator; Bletchley Park; G0NSY SK; virtual Ham Radio World Weekend; FMH Portable Operations Challenge; Slovenian Amateur Radio Union will celebrate the country’s 30 years of independence; TO11A; GM4PVM; 7D9BA; UK Microwave Group 122 to 248GHz contest; UK Microwave Group 5.7 and 10GHz contest; SFI at around 80 and quiet geomagnetic conditions with a Kp index of two; We are in peak season for Sporadic-E;
The German Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) reports in its official publication Amtsblatt 9 that a device from SolarEdge does not comply with the EU Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive………………CLICK Graphic to read more.