NEWS FOR SCOTLAND & CLUB NEWS (GB2RS) Extracts inc Additions
The DV Scotland Phoenix Monday Night Net operates every Monday from 8pm to 9.30pm with MM3XGP. This is via all DV Scotland Phoenix repeaters on Talk Group 23556, time Slot 2. In addition, via Allstar HUB 53937, D-Star reflector XLX600D and System Fusion Reflector 0-DVSPh. The Coast-to-Coast Net takes place on Saturdays, from 9 to 10pm, with GM5DVS. Details of how to connect are at available – HERE
On Sunday afternoons, Kilmarnock and Loudon Amateur Radio Club has a net on 3720kHz from 2pm. This is followed by a quiz on 145.475MHz from 7.45pm on Sunday evenings. Monday sees a question-and-answer night on Zoom from 7.30pm. On Tuesday, members will be meeting at the clubhouse and via Zoom from 7.30pm. klarcinfo@gmail.com
Caithness Amateur Radio Society has club nets at 2pm on Wednesday and Saturday on 3740kHz. There are club meetings on Thursdays in the Skirza Clubhouse, near John O’Groats. Nigel, MM7BWT, Mansfield.n27@gmail.com
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society will have its usual Solder Group meeting from 6pm on Wednesday. Members will be gathering at 8pm on Friday at the Society’s Rose Street club rooms for a ‘hands-on’ meeting. For more information check out the club’s website Pat, 2M1CKE, macrobius@btinternet.com
On the 10th of October 1923 the BBC, then the British Broadcasting Company, opened its seventh transmitter and based it in Aberdeen. Using the callsign GB2BD, the BBC Amateur Radio Group and Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society are celebrating 100 years of broadcasting from the north-east of Scotland on the 3rd and 4th of November 2023. The date chosen for this event falls between the start of transmissions and the centenary of the first Gaelic broadcast by the BBC. Also checkout WoSARS Website article about the British Broadcasting Company’s first broadcasts in Scotland – HERE .
A reminder that the 2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table, or GMRT will be held between 10.30am and 5pm on Saturday the 11th of November. The event will take place at the Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife in Scotland. An interesting programme of speakers has been arranged. Microwave test facilities will be provided, and the event will be an opportunity to purchase components and microwave-related items. The cost is £12 and this includes a buffet lunch. A dinner will be held in the evening at a local hotel. Full information and online registration are available at gmroundtable.org.uk/about Please email Colin, GM4HWO via gm4hwo@gmail.com for more information.
Details of club activities can usually be found on the individual club’s websites. A fuller summary of activities, Nets, Contacts and Links in Scotland can also be found at RSGB – GB2RS News for Scotland and the WoSARS NETS Page.
To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to rr1@rsgb.org.uk. Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to radcom@rsgb.org.uk