Ernie GM0EZP – Report

Hello folks,
I worked from home using a simple home made 1/2 size g5rv squeezed into my garden as an inverted V with the legs bent near the ends.
Not the ideal setup but at least it allowed me to work the contest from home.
The classic section allows you to operate a total of 24hrs over the 2 days, I managed 13.5hrs running 100w from a ft 710 and M1MM logging software.
So even with a fairly simple set-up you can achieve a respectable result. So why not give some of these international competitions a go! You never know how you will fare.
Andy MM7IFX – Report

Hi all,
The results CQ WW SSB 2024 have arrived and my first contest with the new callsign MM7IFX was a great pleasure and a new Scottish record, which I am extremely happy about. We are waiting for the results of the CW round and the first club classification for WEST OF SCOTLAND ARS.

And looking at CQWW ‘Standings’ for Scottish Stations:

Till the next one!