NEWS FOR SCOTLAND & CLUB NEWS (GB2RS) Extracts inc Additions
Michael Bull, GM1MLY who was an active operator on VHF for many years and also helped install the first repeater, GB3NU, on the Western Isles. Michael lived for many years on North Uist in the Outer Hebrides.
From this week onwards, the evening GB2RS broadcast for the Glasgow area will be read on Sundays at 7.30pm on 145.525MHz. For more information contact Michael, GM5AUG via dr13@rsgb.org.uk
Michael, GM5AUG, who is RSGB District Representative for Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway, provides GB2CW Slow Morse for Glasgow and the surrounding area on 144.600MHz FM every Monday and Thursday at 8pm.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society will have its usual Solder Group meeting from 6pm on Wednesday. The club will be meeting at 8pm on Friday at its Rose Street club rooms (though this Friday maybe a bit quiet with a few members heading East to the Mini-Rally – below). For more information check out the club’s website via wosars.club & Pat, 2M1CKE Secretary
Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club, together with Dumfries and Galloway RAYNET group, has an open net on GB3DG every day at noon. All are welcome. There is also a net on the GB3DG repeater every Thursday from 7.15pm, then joining via Zoom from 8pm. Oli, MM0YOS, info@gm4riv.org
Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club usually meets on the first Friday of the month for a club night in the lounge bar of the Thorntree Inn. The next club night will be held on Friday the 4th of August. On the 11th of August the Club will be holding its yearly mini rally at the Community Centre from 6 to 9pm. Tables are first come first served. Bob, GM4UYZ, 01875 811723, www.cpsarc.com
Stirling Amateur Radio Society meets at the Club House, Throsk, FK7 7XY at 7pm on Thursday. The club is open for projects and operating on Sundays from 10am. The Society is running multi-station, Special Event Station, GB1CWC, from its clubhouse in Throsk, near Stirling, from Thursday the 10th of August to Sunday 13th of August 2023, celebrating Stirling hosting the time trial events in the inaugural UCI, Cycling World Championships. The Society would like to extend an invitation to individual radio amateurs and clubs to participate as guest operators at this multi-station event. Any individual or club interested in participating as guest operators should email secretary@gm6nx.com with the date and time they would like to operate the station. This is to ensure they will be guaranteed a slot in the operating schedule. Short-wave listeners and the general public are also welcome to attend. For more Information on the Special Event Stations, directions and the location of the Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society clubhouse, please visit gm6nx.com secretary@gm6nx.com
Details of club activities can usually be found on the individual club’s website. A summary of activities, Nets, Contacts and Links in Scotland can also be found at wosars.club/radio-nets
To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to rr1@rsgb.org.uk. Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to radcom@rsgb.org.uk