The news headlines:
- New Ofcom EMF guidance
- Direct to Full – respond NOW
- Blue Ham Event next weekend
GB2RS Script – HERE .
“…………CQ magazine has introduced a contest category to enable a multi-operator team entry during the Covid-19 pandemic. This new category will be permanent, not just for the duration of the pandemic. Basically, the Multi-Distributed category allows up to six single operators, each in a different location within the same country, to form a team. Each station uses the same callsign but must operate on different bands. Scores are added together. Ofcom have confirmed that operating a club station in different locations using the same callsign simultaneously by club members is permissible. Only club members who hold a Full Licence in their own right may operate the club stations. Please read the rules at The next such contest is the CQ World Wide SSB contest on the 27th and 28th of March……………”
Good news for Clubs and Contest Groups.
The listing of all known nets in Scotland is collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony Miles, MM0TMZ in association with Jack Hood, GM4COX and the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society. These are then published at
New this week:-
We start with details of a new net on 4m being operated by the Mid-Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society every Thursday from 8 to 9pm using 70.425MHz.

For this week only Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club’s Monday net on 15 March will be on 144.350 MHz USB from 8 pm This is a change to the normal 433.525MHz. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 07-740-946-192 for further information.