The Finnish Amateur Radio League issues the SRAL 100 award in honour of the 100th anniversary year 2021. For the award, you must have contacts with at least 100 different OH amateurs. The contacts must be held between 1.1.2021 and 31.12.2021. All bands and modes allowed for radio amateurs may be used. Contacts via repeater stations are not accepted. Short wave listeners can also apply for the award. By working at least 100 OH stations during 2021 you can apply for the award. CLICK for more info.
Radio Society of Christchurch (New Zealand) Centenary Award
The Christchurch ARC (NZART branch 05) is pleased to announce an informal award to celebrate the club’s centenary.
A special callsign of ZL100RSC will be active throughout February. You can use any band and any mode, including repeaters, digital voice reflectors, EME, Satellites, VHF, UHF, and HF. Endorsements will be available for working all contacts on a single band or mode.
The award is free! Send your logs to or
A Certificate will be emailed out to any station achieving 100 points during February. ZL100RSC is a compulsory contact worth 25 points, the club station ZL3AC is worth 10 points and Christchurch ARC (branch 05) members are worth 5 points each. Double points will apply on 15th February (UTC for DX stations), the 100th anniversary of the first club meeting.
WOTRA 2020 (Women On The Radio Award) Report
WOTRA 2020 (Women On The Radio Award) – Ángeles M.T (EC1YL)
A large number of radio amateurs from around the world, participated in the 2020 annual event.. More Awards for YL’s stations were delivered this year, thereby fulfilling the group mission of encouraging more YL participation.
In 2019 when the Award was launched, the event was more of a practice session, but one year on (2020) it can be considered a success thanks to the increased interest and participation of YLs.
This year, WOTRA has focused more on the work of the Special-Event-Stations and their regular attendance on the bands, rather than on the individual making a certain number of QSO’s.
Becoming involved required commitment and the responsibility of regular participation.
Much effort and determination was needed in an event at this level. Not always an easy task and for this reason, several of the participants who started at the beginning of November, found themselves unable to continue through to the end.
Special thanks to the Operators that participated throughout, they displayed great team-work and coordination amongst everyone. In alphabetical order they are:
Ana – EI / EA7KMA
Angels – EC1YL
Carmen – DM4EAX
Cath – MW7CVT
Laila – OE3LZA
Pink- LU7IRS
Ydorca (Mariela) – YV5EVA
Zulema – CO8MGY
In particular I would like to recognise Zulema Gonzalez Ochoa CO8MGY from Cuba. To reward and recognize her work, as the operator that made the most QSO’s, especially as it was her first year in this great event, She participated with enthusiasm and dedication.
Laila OE3LZA, also had the privilege of being able to get her beautiful Award for her contact with my special station on November 25 (EH1YL), on the occasion of the ‘International Day against Gender Violence’.
Special thanks of course to all the Operators of the Wotra Award 2020 and for their effort to contact their WOTRA colleagues and in obtaining their beautiful Awards. (2 Dec, 2020)
Women on The Radio is a Radio Group, created by Ángeles M.T ( EC1YL), for licensed Radio Amateur YL’s Worldwide
[EDIT – COX: And from a UK perspective BYLARA (British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association – also available via QUICKLINK)]
Hull and District ARS Celebrates 100 Years
Snips – News For Scotland – 30th August
The news headlines:
- Could you join the RSGB Board?
- Latest Online RSGB Convention news
- 20,000 downloads for GB2RS Podcast
GB2RS Script – HERE .
During the COVID crisis a list of known club nets, and activities, is now being published on the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS) web site. They have a table listing times and frequencies and this can be found at
With the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, we are now including meeting details where advised. However, this information should be regarded as optimistic, it is strongly advised that you to check with organisers well before travelling. Above all, please observe any national or local restrictions, including social distancing.
And, as noted in last Sunday’s GB2RS the following:
CANCELLATION – GMDX Convention – Bannockburn – 17th October. (On CALENDAR)
CANCELLATION – Galashiels Rally – 25th October. (On CALENDAR)
CANCELLATION – GMRT – Scotland’s Microwave Round Table & Dinner – 7th November. (On CALENDAR )
Snips – News For Scotland – 9th August
The news headlines:
Remote Invigilation helps hundreds
Check RSGB news online
Could you write for children?
GB2RS Script – HERE .
During the COVID crisis a list of known club nets, and activities, is now being published on the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS) web site. They have a table listing times and frequencies and this can be found at
With the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, we are now including meeting details where advised. However, this information should be regarded as optimistic, it is strongly advised that you to check with organisers well before travelling. Above all, please observe any national or local restrictions, including social distancing.
Stirling Club has resumed normal Club meetings on Thursdays and Sundays, and is running an ARDF day on 16th August. (On WoSARS Calendar)
Also a new AR Net from Shetland & South Uist
And, as noted in last Sunday’s GB2RS the following:
CANCELLATION – the Cockenzie and Port Seaton Mini Rally/Junk Night on Friday 14th August has been cancelled.
CANCELLATION – GMDX Conventition – Bannockburn – 17th October.
CANCELLATION – Galashiels Rally – 25th October.
And New This Sunday:
CANCELLATION – GMRT – Scotland’s Microwave Round Table & Dinner – 7th November. (On CALENDAR )
Snips – News For Scotland – 19th July
The news headlines:
Over 1000 online exams passed
Ofcom publishes EMF consultation responses
Covid-19 cancels National Hamfest
GB2RS Script – HERE .
During the COVID crisis a list of known club nets, and activities, is now being published on the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS) web site. They have a table listing times and frequencies and this can be found at
With the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, we are now including meeting details where advised. However, this information should be regarded as optimistic, it is strongly advised that you to check with organisers well before travelling. Above all, please observe any national or local restrictions, including social distancing.
And as of Sunday 19/07/20 & Thursday 23/07/20:
“The Stirling Club resumes it’s normal Sunday &Thursday Club openings with the Shack and Meeting area socially distanced, and has a net on GB3FE Repeater on 145.6625 from 1000hrs (Sun) & 1900hrs (Thurs) for those unable to visit the club.”
And, as noted in last Sunday’s GB2RS the following:
CANCELLATION – Lomond Radio Club – Crianlarich Rally Sunday 2nd August cancelled.
CANCELLATION – the Cockenzie and Port Seaton Mini Rally/Junk Night on Friday 14th August has been cancelled.
CANCELLATION – GMDX Conventition – Bannockburn – October, cancelled.
‘My Ol Man’s A Radio Ham’ – GJ2A Jersey Contest Group
GM3HBT – SK! Funeral To Be Streamed On-Line (Link Now Added)

EDIT: 28/04/20 – Funeral Streamed Video Link Details – HERE .
Tom died peacefully last week in Clinton House care home. He was 90. Please pass on to WoSARS folk that knew him.
I have the date and time for the funeral… Thursday 30th April at 12 noon in Daldowie crematorium.
Final arrangements yet to be made but it will be live streamed so that that those who would like to be there “”virtually” can be given details once I have them. The funeral is limited to 10 people. Mostly family.
Scott – GM4CLQ
Sad news indeed. In discussion with Tom – MXN a couple of weeks ago he mentioned that Tom was looking to be on his last ‘tether’. And heard Bill – UBJ mention it to Vic – VTB after yesterday’s News.
Of course I knew Tom through our mutual employer Motorola and usually when I was up at EK I would always try and have a chat with him or Norrie – GM4BVU if they weren’t too busy. Always discussing the latest amateur issues – specifically the repeaters as in those early days they were both avid users of FM (although Tom was mainly a CW man on HF – hi!)
Jack – GM4COX
Andrew – G4VFL Takes 25000 Kms (or there abouts) To Activate English Summit On 13cms
I was working Andrew – G(M)4VFL on GM/SS-056 on 13cms (2.3GHz) FM last week and he happened to mention that earlier in the week he had worked VU (India) to activate G/LD-030. I was intrigued – of course via OCAR 100 – HERE . 13cms Up & 3cms down.
I asked him if he had a picture, and indeed he has forwarded a nice shot.

Now does anybody fancy working out the path distances? 🙂