QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo

Whether you’re a ham that doesn’t want to travel because of Covid or just live too far from a hamvention, the QSO Today Expo offers the opportunity to learn from many great speakers, meet with exhibitors to see the latest technology, and engage with fellow hams without leaving your home ham shack………..More Info – HERE .

Funding Award Keeps Fife Museum Communicating

Museum of Communication volunteers Ian Archibald (Burntisland), Dave Pack (Edinburgh) and Andrew Starling (Kirkcaldy) react to news of the award by Museums Galleries Scotland.

The Museum of Communication in Burntisland is pleased to announce an award in excess of £5,000 from the Recovery and Resilience Fund of Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS).

Museum of Communication Chairman Prof. Tom Stevenson said, “2020 has been a very lean year for us. The MGS award will help our entirely volunteer-run museum to survive through the winter as well as enabling us to upgrade our digital presence and prepare for reopening in2021. We’re eagerly looking forward to the day when we can once again offer everyone a fascinating visitor experience here in Burntisland.”

MGS has established the Recovery and Resilience Fund to secure the future of Scottish independent museums put at risk by the pandemic, thus safeguarding the vital role they play in their communities. MGS benefitted from a £4 million allocation from a £97 million package of Scottish Government funding to protect Scotland’s culture and heritage sectors from the impacts of Covid-19.

Lucy Casot, CEO of Museums Galleries Scotland said: “We are delighted to support the Museum of Communication through the Recovery and Resilience Fund. They have responded to the challenges of the pandemic, and subsequent temporary closure, with plans for increased online activities, which will continue to welcome their community and visitors from around the world to explore this fascinating museum.

The Museum of Communication’s responsive forward thinking is a credit to the volunteers who run the museum. We wish them every success as they work to deliver lectures to supporters across the world and safely reopen the museum in 2021 for their community.”

By David Brown – (e-mail dwbrown384@sky.com tel. 07886 915721)

  • The Museum of Communication is a registered museum based at 131 High Street, Burntisland KY3 9AA. It is run entirely by volunteers.
  • It was established in Bo’ness in 1992 and later moved to Burntisland, opening in 2005.
  • It has an outstanding collection of communications-related material and offers lectures and other activities, currently online.
  • For further information about the Museum of Communication see www.mocft.co.uk .

Snips – News For Scotland – 9th August

The news headlines:

            Remote Invigilation helps hundreds

            Check RSGB news online

            Could you write for children?

GB2RS Script – HERE .


During the COVID crisis a list of known club nets, and activities, is now being published on the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS) web site. They have a table listing times and frequencies and this can be found at

With the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, we are now including meeting details where advised. However, this information should be regarded as optimistic, it is strongly advised that you to check with organisers well before travelling. Above all, please observe any national or local restrictions, including social distancing.

Stirling Club has resumed normal Club meetings on Thursdays and Sundays, and is running an ARDF day on 16th August. (On WoSARS Calendar)

Also a new AR Net from Shetland & South Uist

“We are delighted to announce the Viking Amateur Radio Net started last Saturday, 25th July. The Net is based in Scotland and is dedicated to promoting friendly Amateur Radio chat on the Amateur Radio Bands of 80m & 40m. Our Facebook & Net is open to all licenced amateur operators & SWL’s from any country. The current MORNING band is on 80-metre from 05:00 to 06:00 UTC (06:00 to 07:00 local UK time) seven days a week. The base frequency is 3.770MHz. The 40-metre band Net time/frequency is yet to be announced. https://www.facebook.com/groups/VikingAmateurRadioNet/ “


And, as noted in last Sunday’s GB2RS the following:

CANCELLATION – the Cockenzie and Port Seaton Mini Rally/Junk Night on Friday 14th August has been cancelled.

CANCELLATION – GMDX Conventition – Bannockburn – 17th October.

CANCELLATION – Galashiels  Rally – 25th October.

And New This Sunday:

CANCELLATION GMRT – Scotland’s Microwave Round Table & Dinner – 7th November. (On CALENDAR )

Snips – News For Scotland – 21st June

The news headlines:

  • Important RSGB Convention announcement
  • Tonight @ 8: Antennas for small gardens
  • Amateur awarded Order of Australia

GB2RS Script – HERE .


During the COVID crisis a list of known club nets, and activities, is now being published on the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS) web site. They have a table listing times and frequencies and this can be found at


CANCELLATION – the Cockenzie and Port Seaton Mini Rally/Junk Night on Friday 14th August has been cancelled.

CANCELLATION – Lomond Radio Club – Crianlarich Rally Sunday 2nd August cancelled.

All other News Items relate to the Club Nets. Checkout the LINK above.

Snips – News For Scotland – 5th April

The news headlines:

  • G2HCG becomes centenarian this week
  • Remember to vote in RSGB elections
  • Foundation exams online during pandemic

GB2RS Script – HERE .


On Monday Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio club has a net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a net on Wednesday from 8pm on 433.425MHz from 8pm. On Friday there’s a net on 145.375MHz from 8pm—details at wosars.club

Snips – News For Scotland – 2nd February

The news headlines:

  • New IARU Region 1 website live
  • RSGB Operating Awards QSL Checking Service
  • GB3RS at the NRC due for maintenance on the 11th

GB2RS Script – HERE .

Advance notice that Lomond Radio Club are running a bring-and-buy event on 16 February at the John Connolly Centre, 30 Maln Street, Renton, G82 4LY. Entry is free and doors open at 10am. In addition to the bring-and-buy, there will be traders and refreshments available—tea, coffee and hot food and more. Tables are still available and only cost £5. Please contact Bill, by email mm0elf@blueyonder.co.uk if you need any more details, or are wanting tables.


Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society club has a meeting from 10am to 2pm this Sunday and next Sunday. Thursday sees a club night. For details, email secretary@gm6nx.com.

On Monday Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has a club net operating evening. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

On Tuesday Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an activity and training night. Contact Len, GM0ONX, via email to klarcinfo@gmail.com.

On Tuesday Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is holding an operating evening. Details from Cathie, 2M0DIB, on 01506 433 846.

On Tuesday, Moray Firth Amateur Radio Club is looking at DMR radios in practice. Bring along your radio and compare notes. More from Paul, GM8HWZ by email to mfars@secretary@gmail.com.

On Wednesday Inverness and District Amateur Radio Society has its club net at 8pm on 145.575MHz & GB7BI or GB7II slot 1 475. Contact John, GM0OTI, via email to InvernessRadioSociety@gmail.com.

On Wednesday West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a Solder Group meeting and Friday is a club night where a video will be shown—details at wosars.club.

On Thursday Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is holding a junk sale. Contact Fred, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365 for further information.

On Thursday Lomond Radio Club is having a club night. More from Barrie, GM4HEL, by email to gm0kzx@googlemail.com.

On Thursday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is having a talk Clean up your Shack by Ian. GM3SEK. More from Clive, GM4FZH, via email to info@GM4RIV.org.

On Friday Ayr Amateur Radio Group is having a club night. Please check club website for updates or speak to Derek, MM0OVD, on 0744 793 1941.

On Friday Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club has a club night. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

On Friday Mid-Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society is having a club night, tuition and radio operations—details at mlars.co.uk

Contests For The Listener (SWL)

Contests for the listening amateur –  by PA3DTX

The NL (Netherlands) committee (NLC) of the VERON organizes a number of contests for listening amateurs throughout the year. These are accessible to every radio enthusiast. They are, of course, primarily intended for the active listening amateur, but radio amateur broadcasters may also simply participate, for example if circumstances do not allow them to transmit. You also do not necessarily have to be a member of the VERON to be allowed to participate. For example, it has been apparent for years that more than half of the participants come from abroad. But we would like to see a large Dutch participation.

Our listening contests have different levels of difficulty, although none is really difficult.

The “New Year Contest” is on the first Sunday of the year. In addition to beginners, more experienced contesters participate every year. The contest costs you a maximum of three hours and you can only make connections in speech. A trophy is available for the winner and every participant who has logged at least ten connections will receive a certificate of participation.

Then there is the series “Short Listening Period” contests (SLP).
These are held 8 times a year and are planned in such a way that they coincide with large contests for radio amateurs, so that sufficient pressure on the amateur bands is guaranteed. It is the intention that during an SLP weekend you log three hours of radio amateur connections that you choose yourself in speech. Choosing the most favorable hours makes the contest more suitable for the experienced contester. But also beginners are encouraged to participate, as they learn by doing. There are also prizes attached to the SLP and anyone who participated in at least 3 SLPs in one year will receive the SLP certificate.

In the second full weekend of December, the NLC organizes a 48-hour contest on the 10-meter band, the “28MHz SWL Contest”. This coincides with a large international contest on the 10 meter band. In this contest we have two participation categories: speech (SSB, FM) and morse (CW).
Prizes and certificates are also made available for this.

The complete information, such as regulations, results and information about a special logging program for listening contests can be found https://a03.veron.nl/contesten-voor-de-luisteramateur/?fbclid
Source: VERON.nl.   (Association for Experimental Radio Research in the Netherlands)

Snips – News For Scotland – 15th December

The news headlines:

  • RSGB Christmas opening times
  • RadCom Basics out now
  • Happy birthday GB3BS

GB2RS News Script – HERE .


On Monday Edinburgh and District ARC has its net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

On Tuesday Dundee Amateur Radio Club has its Christmas meal. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933.

On Tuesday Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an activity and training night. Contact Len Paget, GM0ONX, via email to klarcinfo@gmail.com.

On Tuesday Lothians Radio Society has its Christmas meal. Details from secretary@lothiansradiosociety.com.

On Wednesday West of Scotland Amateur Radio has a Society Solder Group meeting. On Friday it’s the Christmas shindig, to which all are welcome. Details are at wosars.club.

On Thursday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is having an on-the-air evening. For details, email info@GM4RIV.org.

On Friday Mid-Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society is closed.

Glenrothes and District Amateur Radio Club is now closed for the remainder of the year—the next meeting will be in Leven on 14 January.

Snips – News For Scotland – 29th September

The news headlines:

• Bampton School to contact ISS
• RSGB Convention latest news
• Frequency Measurement Festival for WWV

GB2RS Script:


A reminder that CQScotland.com Group, funded by the RSGB Legacy Committee, has set up a fully equipped electronic construction space in Hamilton. It is open to all from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesdays. All individuals or groups are warmly invited to join them to build electronic projects. Together, you can experience and learn in a very practical way, what electronics and amateur radio is about. See CQScotland.com for details.


Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday. Saturday and Sunday sees portable operations in the 432MHz and microwave contests. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

On Tuesday Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a club night and is taking part in the VHF contest. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933

On Tuesday Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an activity and training night. Contact Len, GM0ONX, via email to klarcinfo@gmail.com.

On Tuesday Moray Firth ARS is having a natter night and preparing for the forthcoming surplus sale. Details from Paul, GM8HWZ, on 0796 717 1189.

On Wednesday Inverness and District Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on 145.575MHz and GB7BI or GB7II slot 1 475. Contact John, GM0OTI, via email to InvernessRadioSociety@gmail.com.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a Solder Group meeting on Wednesday and a video on Friday. For details, see wosars.club.

On Thursday Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has its junk sale. Contact Fred, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365.

On Thursday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club has a look at what you can get from your antenna analyser with Ian, GM3SEK and Clive, GM4FZH. Contact Clive, GM4FZH, via email to info@GM4RIV.org.

On Friday Mid-Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society is having a club night, tuition and radio operations. More info from Joseph, 2M0JHY, via email to mlarsclub@gmail.com.

Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a club night on Friday, then activity days. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

Next Sunday, Lomond Radio Club will be operating a public display of amateur radio in the grounds of the John Connolly Centre in Renton, running from 10am to 4pm. Hot drinks and possibly a barbecue will be available. For details, contact Bill, via email to mm0elf@blueyonder.co.uk

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