Snips – News For Scotland – 10th October


CLICK – For Full Scotland Schedule

NEWS FOR SCOTLAND (GB2RS ) Extracts inc Additions

Commencing on the 6th of October through to the 2nd of November, The West of Scotland ARS (WoSARS) is running a special event station GB4GDS celebrating 90 years of the Guide Dog Association. More information about the station can be found on the Club’s  GB4GDS website  page


Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom at around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon.

Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society is open today for its operating from 11am. It will also be open on Thursday evening from 7pm. 

Kingdom Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 7pm on 144.750MHz. Steve, MM0SKX, 0771 105 9343.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society holds its Solder Group on Wednesdays and its main Club Meetings on Fridays at the Rose Street HQ, and some meetings are also on Zoom. WoSARS continues to run a net today and a daily net from 11am on 145.425MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there is also an open net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. Details at

Dundee Amateur Radio Club holds nets on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG and GB3DD. Tuesday is a club evening Martin, 2M0KAU, 0776 370 8933.

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a net on Sundays from 7pm on 144.295MHz CW and from 7.30pm on 145.450MHz FM. There are daily nets around 7.035MHz from 10.15am, moving to 7.065MHz and 145.450MHz at 10.30am. Friday now sees a Club Night

Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz CW. Tuesday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7.30pm.

The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs on Sundays from 6pm on 3.660 or 3.639MHz. Details are on their Facebook page.

Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets daily from 10am on 3.790MHz except Sunday. Morse training is now available on request. Tam 0775 352 6498.

On Monday, Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its FM net at 8pm on 433.525MHz. Norman, GM1CNH, 0774 094 6192.

DV Scotland has a multi-mode net on Monday from 9pm to 10.30pm using GM5DVS. Access to the net is via All-Star Hub and Brandmeister DMR.

Paisley Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and on Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday, there is an FM net on 144.550MHz and on Zello from 7.30pm. Stuart, MM0PAZ, 0742 665 0757.

Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesdays from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Wednesday sees a net on DMR Scotland TG23550 from 8pm. Cathie, 2M0DIB, 01506 433 846.

Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on GG7BI from 8pm and on GB7II from 8.30pm. Adrian, MM0DHY,

Falkirk Amateur Radio Club has a net via GB3FE from 8pm on Wednesday. Peter,

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society meets weekly in the Braidshill Hotel, Edinburgh from 8pm. Some meetings may be available on Zoom, contact the secretary. 

Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society takes part in the DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm on Wednesday. There is also a net on Thursdays from 8pm on 70.425MHz. Friday sees a Zello chat from 8.30pm, which then moves to GB3KV at 9.30pm.

On Thursday Lomond Radio Club meets from 7pm at the John Connelly Centre in Renton. Barrie,

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society meets at 7.30pm on Thursday see for details

On Friday, Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Bill, MM0SFB,

Details of club activities can normally be found on each club’s website. To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to The deadline for GB2RS submissions is 10am on Thursdays.

Snips – News For Scotland – 3rd October

CLICK – For Full Scotland Schedule

NEWS FOR SCOTLAND (GB2RS ) Extracts inc Additions

Stirling and District ARS are holding an Open Day Extravaganza on Sunday 3rd October at their Shack, which will be available to operate from 11am with tea and coffee. The programme includes a midday BBQ and there will be a Boot Sale (£10 for pitches) in the grounds. 2pm features a talk by Gavin Nesbitt on how to   “Improve your QSO Count on VHF and above”. Gavin is a key member of CambHams so brings a lot of experience in all things VHF+. To cap it off there will be an ARDF completion around the Estate in the afternoon.

The Club is located at Unit 68, Bandeath Industrial Estate, Throsk, Stirling FK7 7NP. Derails from  Nathan at

Commencing on the 6th of October through to the 2nd of November, The West of Scotland ARS (WoSARS) will be running a special event station GB4GDS celebrating 90 years of the Guide Dog Association. More information about the station can be found on the Club’s  page


Sadly we report that John GM4PLI has become a silent key. He was a long standing member of WoSARS and was always good for a chat on GB3CS or PA. John was unfortunate to never have good health, but soldiered on as best he could. John’s Funeral is on Monday 4th Oct at 11am at Dalnotter Cremetorium – More information – HERE .

From John GM0KTO (Saturday 2nd Oct – 1734hrs) :-

“………….Alan Stark, GM0BUE, whose QTH was in Kilsyth, became a Silent Key on Thursday 9 September, 2021. He had become a victim of COVID-19.

His brother, John, thinks that Alan might have been a former member of WoSARS.
The funeral is on Saturday 9 October, at New Monkland Cemetery, Condorrat Road (B802), Glenmavis.  09.15. Church Service 10.00, followed by a buffet.
I was privileged to work GM0BUE on 6m FM, possibly through GB3SL, while walking the dogs in Alexandra Park. This was quite some time ago and certainly before lock-down……………”


Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom at around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon.

Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society is open today for its Extravaganza from 11am. It will also be open on Thursday evening from 7pm. 

Kingdom Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 7pm on 144.750MHz. Steve, MM0SKX, 0771 105 9343.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has resumed its Solder Group on Wednesdays and its main Club Meetings on Fridays at the Rose Street HQ, and some meetings are also on Zoom. WoSARS continues to run a net today and a daily net from 11am on 145.425MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there is also an open net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. Details at

Dundee Amateur Radio Club holds nets on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG and GB3DD. Tuesday is a club evening Martin, 2M0KAU, 0776 370 8933.

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a net on Sundays from 7pm on 144.295MHz CW and from 7.30pm on 145.450MHz FM. There are daily nets around 7.035MHz from 10.15am, moving to 7.065MHz and 145.450MHz at 10.30am. Friday sees a Zoom meeting.

Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz CW. Tuesday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7.30pm.

The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs on Sundays from 6pm on 3.660 or 3.639MHz. Details are on their Facebook page.

Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets daily from 10am on 3.790MHz except Sunday. Morse training is now available on request. Tam 0775 352 6498.

On Monday, Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its FM net at 8pm on 433.525MHz. Norman, GM1CNH, 0774 094 6192.

DV Scotland has a multi-mode net on Monday from 9pm to 10.30pm using GM5DVS. Access to the net is via All-Star Hub and Brandmeister DMR.

Paisley Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and on Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday, there is an FM net on 144.550MHz and on Zello from 7.30pm. Stuart, MM0PAZ, 0742 665 0757.

Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesdays from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Wednesday sees a net on DMR Scotland TG23550 from 8pm. Cathie, 2M0DIB, 01506 433 846.

Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on GG7BI from 8pm and on GB7II from 8.30pm. Adrian, MM0DHY,

Falkirk Amateur Radio Club has a net via GB3FE from 8pm on Wednesday. Peter,

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society now meets weekly in the Braidshill Hotel, Edinburgh from 8pm. Some meetings may be available on Zoom, contact the secretary. 

Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society takes part in the DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm on Wednesday. There is also a net on Thursdays from 8pm on 70.425MHz. Friday sees a Zello chat from 8.30pm, which then moves to GB3KV at 9.30pm.

On Thursday Lomond Radio Club meets from 7pm at the John Connelly Centre in Renton. Barrie,

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society now meets at 7.30pm on Thursday see for details

On Friday, Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Bill, MM0SFB,

Details of club activities can normally be found on each club’s website. To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to The deadline for GB2RS submissions is 10am on Thursdays. 


Snips – News For Scotland – 26th September

CLICK – For Full Scotland Schedule

NEWS FOR SCOTLAND (GB2RS ) Extracts inc Additions

GB3FF up and running again. “……………The Kelty site became unavailable in 2020 due to redevelopment and GB3FF was moved to Upper Largo in Sept 2021……………”. More information – HERE .

Commencing on the 6th of October through to the 2nd of November, The West of Scotland ARS (WoSARS) will be running  a special event station GB4GDS celebrating 90 years of the Guide Dog Association. More information about the station can be found on the Club’s HOMEPAGE or the GB4GDS Page.

Also,  as of last Wednesday, the Club’s Solder Group has resumed it’s weekly meetings at the Electron Club within the Centre of Contemporary Arts, Sauchiehall St, Glasgow. More information about this technical & training side of the Club can be found at .

And next Sunday (3rd Oct) from 1100 hrs Stirling and District Radio Society  GM6NX would like to invite amateurs and other interested members of the public to an open afternoon at its Stirling QTH.  More information – HERE .


Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom at around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon.

Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society is open today for outdoor activities and operating from 11am. It will also be open on Thursday evening from 7pm.

Kingdom Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 7pm on 144.750MHz. Steve, MM0SKX, 0771 105 9343.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has resumed its Solder Group on Wednesdays and its main Club Meetings on Fridays at the Rose Street HQ, and some meetings are also on Zoom. There is a net today and a daily net from 11am on 145.425MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there is also an open net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. Details at

Dundee Amateur Radio Club holds nets on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG and GB3DD. Tuesday is a club evening. Martin, 2M0KAU, 0776 370 8933.

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a net on Sundays from 7pm on 144.295MHz CW and from 7.30pm on 145.450MHz FM. There are daily nets around 7.035MHz from 10.15am, moving to 7.065MHz and 145.450MHz at 10.30am. Friday sees a Zoom meeting.

Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz CW. Tuesday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7.30pm.

The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs on Sundays from 6pm on 3.660 or 3.639MHz. Details are on their Facebook page.

Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets daily from 10am on 3.790MHz except Sunday. Morse training is now available on request. Tam 0775 352 6498.

On Monday, Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its FM net at 8pm on 433.525MHz. Norman, GM1CNH, 0774 094 6192.

DV Scotland has a multi-mode net on Monday from 9pm to 10.30pm using GM5DVS. Access to the net is via All-Star Hub and Brandmeister DMR.

Paisley Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and on Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday, there is an FM net on 144.550MHz and on Zello from 7.30pm. Stuart, MM0PAZ, 0742 665 0757.

Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesdays from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Wednesday sees a net on DMR Scotland TG23550 from 8pm. Cathie, 2M0DIB, 01506 433 846.

Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on GG7BI from 8pm and on GB7II from 8.30pm. Adrian, MM0DHY,

Falkirk Amateur Radio Club has a net via GB3FE from 8pm on Wednesday. Peter,

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society now meets in the Braidshill Hotel, Edinburgh from 8pm. Some meetings may be available on Zoom, contact the secretary.

Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society takes part in the DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm on Wednesday. There is also a net on Thursdays from 8pm on 70.425MHz. Friday sees a Zello chat from 8.30pm, which then moves to GB3KV at 9.30pm.

On Thursday Lomond Radio Club meets from 7pm at the John Connelly Centre in Renton. Barrie,

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society now meets at 7.30pm on Thursdays. Fred, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365.

On Friday, Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Bill, MM0SFB,

In this constantly changing pandemic situation, details of club activities can be found on the individual club’s website. To have your net listed on the WoSARS website  ( or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to

Remember also to keep GB2RS updated via email to Please note that the deadline for GB2RS submissions is 10am on Thursdays.

WoSARS Goes On Holiday To Fife And Comes Back With A Souvenir

Well it all started with an email from James 2M0RMP ………..

“…………..26th Oct 20……………….Jack can you email me your number I have a wind up mast that needs a new home…………..”

In discussion with James, he said he’d met a nice lady who lived just outside St Andrews in Fife and had a tower in her back garden with a ‘protrusion’ upon it; both were required to be removed.

A VersaTower with a ‘Protrusion’

Well what else could we do but help out this nice lady with a trip though to the sunny ‘Fife Rivera’.

And indeed, in June the ‘gang’, Alan GM4TOQ, Sam GM4BGS, Ted 2M0VGY and yours truly headed through to the ‘sunny’ east coast to administer the necessary surgery.

The Fife ‘TEAM’ (Picture Courtesy of Alex Paris)
‘Dropping’ The Tower
Sam & Ted Perform Surgery – Removing The ‘Protrusion’












Sparks ‘Fly’ As Alan Cuts The Ground Post

It was intended to try and remove the Ground Post from below the surrounding grass level but this proved beyond the kit we had with us on the day, resorting to cutting it off with a grinder. Not ideal but it did the trick.

And WoSARS would like to thank Alex Paris and family for allowing us to remove their elaborate ‘flagpole’ 🙂 and return it to it’s rightful place in the hierarchy of radio towers. Thanks folks!

And discussions are initially on-going within the Committee as to the use that the tower will be put to. These will be presented to the Members in due course as to their own thoughts.

And, who was the original amateur that owned the house? Alex had no information but did have some communication from Ofcom – with just a reference number on it, but no amateur callsign – a fat lot of use that is! Well I carried out a wee bit investigative work using’s search facilities and tracked GM4DPC ; still listed on QRZ, though a SK for many years? (he left the QTH many years ago). I contacted Ofcom on Alex’s behalf, to inform them that GM4DPC no longer lived at the QTH. They acknowledged accordingly and as a consequence his entry in QRZ maybe removed?

Oh the ‘Protrusion’? Not too sure, but I think it’s was being used as part of a Wi-Fi node for the village years ago when there was limited landline/mobile internet facilities? I have it at my QTH and at the time of writing this article, I have still to ‘sweep’ it?



Snips – News For Scotland – 18th July

  • RSGB Survey results published
  • Build Off in Cornwall
  • New Full course from Distance Learning Team

GB2RS Script – HERE .

GB2RS Extract:

“……………………The Bath Based Distance Learning team is now planning another course for the Full level exam syllabus. The course will run from the end of August to December this year. Students will receive weekly work packages via a virtual classroom and will have access to weekly online tutorials. Students will also have access to one of the remote tutors who will provide feedback and additional guidance where required. There will be no charge for the training but applicants must work through a pre-course classroom and quiz to be eligible for a place. The deadline for course applications is the 4th of August. For full details, and an application form, email…………………”


The GB2RS News Service is seeking a volunteer in the Caithness and Orkney area. The successful candidate should have a good 2m FM signal into the GB3OC repeater. They would be joining the existing team that reads the news each Sunday morning at 0930 UK time. If you would like to find out more, without obligation, please contact the GB2RS News Manager, via email to

To celebrate the first one-way amateur radio QSO across the Atlantic that took place on the 12th of December 1921, there is a plan to re-create the event in December this year. Those involved are still looking for volunteers and anyone with vintage 1920s equipment that they might consider loaning for the accompanying exhibition. See GM0DEQ on for email details. (More info within POSTBAG – HERE )

The GB3FE repeater serving the Stirling area is now back in service, operating on reduced power.

TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)

IARU workshop; Antenna Build Off; Bath Based Distance Learning; Full level exam syllabus; QSL Bureau sub-manager for the G4T to Z group; GB4RS; GB2RS continues to expand; Finningley ARS Car Boot; The Wiltshire Radio Rally, Electronics Fair & Car Boot Sale ; Dartmoor Radio Rally; GM7V during next weekend’s IOTA contest; C6AHA; GM3RCV; MM8C; 18th, the International Low Power contest; 24-hour Islands On The Air contest; UK Microwave Group contest runs from 0600 to 1800UTC; solar flux index remained in the 70s last week; a large solar coronal hole impacted the Earth; University of Massachusetts Lowell Observatory has now been fixed; Sporadic-E remains; Tropo ducting;

Snips – News For Scotland – 20th June

The news headlines:

  • Latest rally news
  • Ofcom updates guidance

GB2RS Script – HERE .


The Sunday Loch Lomond net in the Vale of Leven which was temporarily suspended returns tonight. See the Facebook pages or contact

Falkirk Amateur Radio Club’s net on Wednesday is unable to operate until further notice owing to repeater GB3FE being down. Peter,

For the same reason the Stirling Club Net today and the ones on Monday and Thursday are also not taking place on GB3FE

A listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at

TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)

Dartmoor Radio Rally; McMichael Rally; East Suffolk Wireless Revival; What you need to know as an amateur radio user and the Ofcom EMF calculator; Bletchley Park; G0NSY SK; virtual Ham Radio World Weekend; FMH Portable Operations Challenge; Slovenian Amateur Radio Union will celebrate the country’s 30 years of independence; TO11A; GM4PVM; 7D9BA; UK Microwave Group 122 to 248GHz contest; UK Microwave Group 5.7 and 10GHz contest; SFI at around 80 and quiet geomagnetic conditions with a Kp index of two; We are in peak season for Sporadic-E;

Snips – News For Scotland – 6th June

The news headlines:

  • National Radio Centre re-opens
  • Dartmoor Rally should run in June
  • HF radio performance on Tonight@8

GB2RS Script – HERE .


Lomond Radio Club is now open for normal meetings in the clubhouse from 7pm on Thursday evenings . Covid safety measures are being observed.

A listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at

TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)

Bletchley Park; National Radio Centre;NRC;Dartmoor Radio Rally;Transceiver Performance for the HF DX & Contest Operator;Elecraft K4D;preparations by CEPT 23;HamSCI;Arctic Circle;solar eclipse;GB3CM;OX3LX;Greenland;SA6G/7 from Ven Island;VP2V/NC3Z from Tortola, British Virgin Islands;GB0VHF;GB0UTA promoting the University of the Third Age;GB95QB Queen’s 95th Birthday;5P2UEFA European Football Championship;K6K King Kamehameha Celebrations;CW National Field Day NFD

Snips – News For Scotland – 23rd May

The news headlines:

  • Final details on EMF from Ofcom
  • Cathryn, M0IBG inducted in to the CQ Hall of Fame
  • RSGB National Radio Centre re-opens

GB2RS Script – HERE .


No Scottish updates this week

A listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at

TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)

EMF from Ofcom; M0IBG; Contesting and DX Halls of Fame; Bletchley Park will re-open; 50MHz awards; GB7LA; thousands of new people gained their Foundation licence; 3A/IW1RBI from Monaco; 5R8RP; F5TRO; FR8UA and FR8TZ; SM7/OZ3ACB; GB1SCW as part of SOS radio week; another wild week with Sporadic-E; Transatlantic multi-hop sporadic Es brought contacts in the USA

AM5IP – 170th Anniversary of the birth of Isaac Peral

The Cartagena Team group will be active from May 28 to June 6  using the callsign AM5IP with a special QSL commemorating the 170th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Peral (Cartagena, June 1, 1851-Berlin, May 22, 1895), who was a Spanish scientist, sailor and military man, lieutenant in the Navy and inventor of the first torpedo submarine, known as the Peral submarine.

He had an intense career in the Spanish Navy, intervening in the Ten Years’ War in Cuba and in the Third Carlist War, for which he was congratulated and decorated. He also excelled in scientific work and missions: he wrote a “practical theoretical treatise on hurricanes”, he worked on the lifting of the plans for the Simanalés canal (Philippines) and in 1883 he took over the chair of Physics-Mathematics at the School of Expansion of Studies of the Navy.

More info – HERE .

Snips – News For Scotland – 16th May

The news headlines:

  • Add your voice to the amateur radio survey
  • New YOTA contest begins next weekend
  • RadCom news

GB2RS Script – HERE .


Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society now sees the Zello chat take place from 7pm on Friday, which then moves at 9.30pm to a Net on GB3KV at 9.30pm. The DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm on Wednesdays continues to operate along with the Thursday net from 8pm on 70.425MHz. Further details can be found at

A listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS and published at

TAGS: (Within GB2RS Script)

survey about amateur radio; new YOTA Contest; RadCom Plus; Sporadic-E; Friendship on the Air Award; Bletchley Park plans to re-open; VE2CSI/B beacon; Amateur Radio Direction Finding;  5MHZ New Zealand; SV9/DD1GG; TY5AB; GB0AEL first woman flying solo across the Atlantic; GB1SCW SOS radio week; 144MHz May Contest; 144MHz Backpackers; UK Microwave Group Millimetre Wave Contest.

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