News for England South-West – 30 June 2019

Torbay Amateur Radio Society has regular nets this Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and next Sunday. Friday also sees a club night. Details from Kerry Knight, M0KRE, on 07725 999 973. Cornish Radio Amateur Club is holding a committee meeting on Wednesday and the main meeting on Thursday. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844 […]

News for Wales – 30 June 2019

Newport Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesday evening on 144.700MHz. Thursday sees a discussion of NFD and other events. Next Sunday sees a net on 3.704MHz from 10am. Details from Ross, GW3NWS, 01633 880 146. On Tuesday Barry Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night and putting GC4BRS on the air. Contact […]

RadCom July 2019, Vol. 95, No. 7

RSGB Commonwealth Contest—the antenna tower at V31GX provided good signals in our oldest contest To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and Reports 82nd Commonwealth Contest 2019, Bob Whelan, G3PJT 42 Around Your Region – Club events calendar 84 Around Your Region – Events roundup 89 Dayton 2019 82 New products 14 […]

2m crosses the Atlantic

An historic contact was made on Sunday, 16 June 2019, when the Atlantic was spanned for the first time on 144MHz. D41CV on Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa managed to work FG8OJ in Guadeloupe on 144.174MHz using FT8. The distance was 3,867km. This was bettered on the 18th with QSOs between Cape […]

SAQ transmission next weekend

The annual SAQ VLF transmission on Alexanderson Day on 17.2kHz from the Alexanderson Alternator will take place Sunday, 30 June 2019. Two transmissions are scheduled. Tuning will start at 0830UTC for the message at 0900UTC, then 1130UTC for the transmission at 1200UTC. Both transmission events will be broadcasted live on YouTube. QSL reports to SAQ […]

Update on 144MHz and 23cm threats

The IARU was represented this week at the meeting of CEPT Project Team A—one of the groups leading WRC-19 preparations—which finished in Prague on Friday, 21 June 2019. Of particular interest were discussions on two proposed agenda items for WRC-23, concerning the sharing of the 1240-1300MHz band with the Galileo satellite navigation system and the […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

A newly-digitised classic film of the 25th Anniversary Congress of the IARU is now on the RSGB YouTube channel. Taking place in 1950, the Congress was attended by many well-known amateurs from around the world. The silent film also includes some marvellously authentic street scenes—and some decidedly odd motor vehicles. In the Film Archive on […]

Historic IARU congress film now on website

A newly-digitised classic film of the 25th Anniversary Congress of the IARU is now on the RSGB YouTube channel. Taking place in 1950, the Congress was attended by many well-known amateurs from around the world. The silent film also includes some marvellously authentic street scenes—and some decidedly odd motor vehicles. In the Film Archive on […]

Rallies and Events News – 23 June 2019

This Sunday, 23 June, the Newbury Radio Rally and Boot Sale takes place at Newbury Showground, next to M4 Junction 13. There will be talk-in on S22. Car parking is free. Traders can gain access from 8am and visitors at 9am. Admission is £2.50, car boot sale pitches are £12.50. There’s a huge radio, electronics […]

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