Special Event News – 7 July 2019

GB1CMS will be operating this Sunday, 7 July, at a display of military vehicles and battle re-enactments located seven miles south of Dorking in Capel, Surrey. A listening watch will be maintained on 51.60MHz and a full list of frequencies can be found via tinyurl.com/yx92b4uy Grey Point Fort ARS will be open for visitors during […]

Contest News – 7 July 2019

The RSGB VHF National Field Day ends its 24 hour run at 1400UTC today, the 7th. Using all modes on the 50 to 1.3GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. This Sunday, the 7th, the 3rd 2m Backpackers Contest runs from 1100 to 1500UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal […]

Propagation News – 7 July 2019

Good news—this week saw two sunspots appear from the upcoming solar cycle 25. We know this due to their magnetic polarity and locations close to the solar equator. Unfortunately, the sunspots didn’t last very long before vanishing. But it is a start. Earlier this year, an international panel of experts predicted that solar minimum would […]

News for Scotland – 7 July 2019

From this Sunday to next Sunday, Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club has activity days. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday. Next Saturday sees a social evening. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. On Tuesday Dundee Amateur Radio Club […]

144 MHz and the WRC process

RSGB has been a key part of a joint International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) effort and are working hard on both national and international levels to ensure a positive outcome for World Radio Conference-19 (WRC-19) items (50 MHz, Wireless Power, microwave bands etc) and WRC-23 Agenda proposals (144-146 MHz and 23cms). With regard to 144-146 […]

New Ones for IOTA

Every five years the IOTA Board reviews the island list to see if there is scope for a small number of additions to the list of around 1,200 island groups. Some ‘New Ones’ were announced at the Ham Radio gathering in Friedrichshafen last weekend. More details are on the IOTA website, but, in brief, the […]

Latest news on VHF spectrum

The latest stage of our ongoing efforts to protect and develop VHF spectrum saw considerations for the future of 50MHz being concluded with the final meeting of CEPT Project Team D, as they prepare for WRC-19, where the RSGB has been represented throughout. We are also well aware of the concern in the amateur radio […]

LightSail 2 CubeSat to transmit Morse

The Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 CubeSat, launched on the 25 June 2019, will transmit Morse code from space. LightSail is a citizen-funded project and the satellite is due to be deployed on the 2 July 2019. Once deployed, LightSail 2 will automatically transmit a beacon packet every few seconds, which can be decoded into 238 […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

We have added some more detail to the lectures for the 2019 RSGB Convention. You can read about the latest confirmed lectures for the HF, VHF, AMSAT and General Interest streams, as well as information about Contest University, Awards and Contests. Booking is now open for both weekend packages and day tickets. For full details […]

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