New Science Museum exhibition

Discover the remarkable world of codebreaking, ciphers and secret communications in a new exhibition at the Science Museum in London. From the trenches of the First World War to the latest in cyber security, Top Secret explores over a century’s worth of communications intelligence through hand-written documents, declassified files and previously unseen artefacts from the […]

RSGB 2019 Convention lectures

The RSGB 2019 Convention takes place in Milton Keynes from 11 to 13 October 2019. Two of the interesting lectures over the weekend will be Don Field, G3XTT talking about Guest Operating—being part of a multi-operator contest or DXpedition effort can be fun, it’s a great learning experience and he has been involved in many […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

Confused by all the recent talk about the World Radio Conference, CEPT project teams, etc? The RSGB has put together a few slides (3-page/300KB PDF) that explain the layers in the international regulatory cake—these are part of the wider resource on WRC-19 at Join VERON, the Dutch National Society, in a 2m propagation experiment […]

Rallies and Events News – 14 July 2019

This Sunday, the 14th, the Cornish Radio Amateur Club Rally will be held at Penair School, St Clements, Truro TR1 1TN. Doors open from 10.30am to 4pm. There will be trade stands and a bring-and-buy. Catering is available on-site. Contact Mike Halloway on 01209 211 069. Today, the 14th, the McMichael Radio Rally and Boot […]

DX News – 14 July 2019

Ignazio, IT9AGZ will be active as IF9/IT9AGZ from Levanzo Island, EU-054 between the 16 and 28 July. QSL via his home call. Harry, JG7PSJ will be active as JG7PSJ/7 from Oshima, AS-206, one of the new IOTA designations, starting around 2200UTC on 19 July until around 0600UTC on the 21st. He will operate CW, SSB […]

Special Events News – 14 July 2019

Gilwell Park also hosts GB2GP and has been getting Scouts on the air for over 50 years. To celebrate Scouting’s 100 years, GB100GP this Sunday, the 14th of July, when Gilwell Park is open to Explorer Scouts and Ranger Guides. Leicester Radio Society will be hosting GB5EHL for Eagle Has Landed throughout the whole of […]

Contest News – 14 July 2019

The IARU HF Championship 24 hour run ends at 1200UTC this Sunday, the 14th. Using SSB on the 1.8 to 28MHz bands the exchange is signal report and ITU zone, which for the UK is 27. On Tuesday the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal […]

Propagation News – 14 July 2019

Last week saw poor geomagnetic conditions on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the Kp index hitting five. This was due to a weak coronal mass ejection followed by the onset of a solar wind stream from a coronal hole. A solar wind speed above 650km/s, coupled with a strongly south-pointing Bz field, led to geomagnetic unrest […]

Convention Organising Committee Chair

We are looking for a new Chair for the RSGB Convention Organising Committee. The current post holder, Graham Murchie, G4FSG will be standing down after the 2019 event in October after six highly successful years in the role. Ideally Graham’s successor will work with him on concluding arrangements for 2019’s Convention and to start planning […]

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