Deadline for exam applications for the current syllabus

We would like to remind everyone that the cut-off date for applications for the current syllabus is this Friday, 16 August. Once booked, candidates will have three months after the date of their exam to do resits under the current syllabus if necessary. Due to the standard process of giving two weeks’ notice for examinations, […]

Snips – News For Scotland – 11th August

The news headlines:

  • Record numbers visit NRC
  • YOTA 2019 in Bulgaria
  • ILLW next weekend

Region 1, Scotland South and Western Isles, has a number of vacancies for district representatives.

District 13, Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway, District 16, the Borders, and District 17, Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire, are all vacant.

If you would like to know more about the role and what it entails, contact the Regional Manager for Region 1, Tony Miles, MM0TMZ by email to


Dundee Amateur Radio Club is having a club night on Tuesday. The 2m drop-in net is on Wednesday from 7pm on GB3AG. Next Saturday and Sunday sees operations for International Lighthouse and Lightships weekend (ILLW). Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933.

On Wednesday Inverness and District Amateur Radio Society is having a club night. Next Saturday and Sunday sees operations for International Lighthouse and Lightships weekend. Contact John, GM0OTI, via email to

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a Solder Group meeting on Wednesday. Friday sees a Club Night with Jack GM4COX in the Chair. Details are online at

On Thursday Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is preparing for Lighthouse Weekend. ILLW operations from Todhead Lighthouse take place next Saturday and Sunday. Contact Fred, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365.

On Thursday and Friday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is setting up for IILW. Saturday sees GB2LG on the air from Mull of Galloway. Details from Clive, GM4FZH, via email to

On Monday Edinburgh and District ARC has its net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

On Tuesday Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an activity and training night. Contact Len Paget, GM0ONX, via email to

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society has an informal gathering at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Edinburgh. Details from Andy Sinclair, MM0FMF, via email to

On Thursday Lomond Radio Club has a club night. Contact Barrie, GM4HEL, via

On Friday Mid-Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society is having a club night with tuition and radio operations. Contact Joseph, 2M0JHY, via email to

On Saturday Ayr Amateur Radio Group has its field day operating GS0AYR at the Dark Skies Observatory, Dalmellington, from 8am to 6pm. Details from Derek, MM0OVD, on 0744 793 1941.

Next weekend Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is taking part in Lighthouse Weekend, operating GB2LBN at Barns Ness. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society will be activating Covesea Skerries Lighthouse for Lighthouses on the air weekend from 10am to 4pm next Saturday and Sunday. Contact Paul, GM8HWZ, on 0796 717 1189.

Record numbers visit NRC

The RSGB’s National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park experienced record numbers of visitors in July 2019. Before last month, the highest number of visitors was 10,713 in August 2018. July 2019 saw 10,860 visitors to the NRC, with several days seeing over 500 visitors through the door. If you’re interested in becoming an NRC […]

YOTA 2019 in Bulgaria

Up to 80 young radio amateurs, primarily from IARU Region 1, but including participants from other parts of the world, will gather in Bulgaria from Sunday, 11 August 2019 for the ninth annual Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Summer Camp. Special call sign LZ19YOTA will be on the air during the week-long event, hosted by […]

ILLW next weekend

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW) runs from 0001UTC on Saturday, 17 August 2019 to 2359UTC on the 18th. The event came into being in 1998 as the Scottish Northern Lights Award, run by the Ayr Amateur Radio Group. ILLW now attracts over 500 lighthouse entries located in over 40 countries. To see a […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The RSGB 2019 Convention takes place in Milton Keynes from 11 to 13 October 2019. Dave Sumner, K1ZZ will open the convention with his talk Our Global Amateur Radio Community. Dave is the Secretary for the IARU and has recently written a very thought-provoking article in the ITU’s magazine (54-page/14.18MB PDF) on the value of […]

District Representatives wanted in Scotland

Region 1, Scotland South and Western Isles, has a number of vacancies for district representatives. District 13, Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway, District 16, the Borders, and District 17, Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire, are all vacant. If you would like to know more about the role and what it entails, contact the Regional Manager for Region […]

DX News – 11 August 2019

A group of mainly German amateurs will activate TO5M from the St Pierre and Miquelon Islands, IOTA reference NA-032, until 18 August. They will be on all bands from 160 to 6m on SSB, CW and FT8. QSL via Club Log OQRS. A team of ZS operators will activate Robben Island, AF-064, from 15 to […]

Special Events News – 11 August 2019

Advance notice now for British Inland Waterways on the Air 2019. This annual event takes place over the August bank holiday—24 to 26 August. The event is open to all amateurs who are boaters, cyclists or who otherwise use the canals, rivers, towpaths or riverbanks for work or recreation. Many clubs and individual amateurs who […]

Contest News – 11 August 2019

Just a reminder that August is the month of the traditional summer holiday, so there are no RSGB HF contests this month. This Sunday, the 11th, the 5th 70MHz Cumulative Contest runs from 1400 to 1600UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The WAE DX CW contest runs for […]

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