New exam sample questions released

As promised last week, the RSGB has just released documents with sample questions for every syllabus item in the Foundation and Intermediate exams. These new resources will provide additional help to tutors and candidates as they prepare for the exams under Syllabus 2019. The Society has also published a sample optical marking sheet to demonstrate […]

Snail Morse Practice Key

The Snail Morse Practice Key kit is made available by Trevor Hughes, G4WKJ and is intended to encourage young students to enjoy learning Morse Code The instructions below describe how to build the kit. The Snail Practice Morse Key – Assembly instructions (8-page/1.33MB PDF)  

Snips – News For Scotland – 1st September

The news headlines:

  • Good news for the two-metre band
  • Syllabus 2019 mock exams now available
  • Five UK places for YOTA Winter Camp

Many Glasgow amateurs and surrounds were aware of the passing of Denis – MM0DNX on the 20th of August, with his subsequent funeral taking place at Daldowie Crematorium on Wednesday 28th. It’s a great credit to his club, The Mid Lanark Amateur Radio Society (MLARS), that so many members were able to attend along with other fellow amateurs, to pay their last respects. Christine (Denis’s XYL) and Denis’s family were truly heartened, and their spirits were lifted somewhat with the turnout. A credit to our hobby.  Although not a member of WoSARS he was well ‘kent’ in the Club and there is a wee tribute to him on our Website – HERE .


September Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday. Next Saturday and Sunday sees portable operations for the 144MHz Trophy Contest. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has its junk sale on Thursday. Next Saturday and Sunday it’s SSB Field Day at Dunecht. Contact Fred, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365.

Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a club night on Friday. Next week sees activity days. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

On Tuesday Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an activity and training night. Contact Len, GM0ONX, via email to

On Wednesday Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on 145.575MHz and GB7BI slot 1 475. Contact John, GM0OTI, via email to

And also on Wednesday the West of Scotland has their usual meeting of the technical side of the Club, The Solder Group, at 1830hrs. And this coming Friday sees the Club meet for a video on the recent IOTA Contest from Lismore presented by Jack – GM4COX. For further details checkout their website

On Thursday Lomond Radio Club is having a club night. Details from Barrie, GM4HEL, via email to

On Thursday Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is having a discussion on kits to be built. Contact Clive, GM4FZH, via email to

On Friday Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society is having a club night with tuition and radio operations. Details from Joseph, 2M0JHY, via email to

Good news for the two-metre band

The past week has seen CEPT meet in Turkey, where it finalised positions on a wide range of WRC-19 Agenda Items, including proposals for WRC-23. So let’s look at the matters that interest radio amateurs. At 144MHz, after a major effort, the 144 to 146MHz frequency range was successfully withdrawn from the French WRC-23 aeronautical […]

Syllabus 2019 mock exams now available

In preparation for Syllabus 2019, which comes into effect this Sunday, 1 September 2019, the RSGB has added to the range of documents for tutors and candidates. Foundation, Intermediate and Full licence mock exam papers are now available from the Society’s website. They include a new handy syllabus reference column to help candidates check the […]

Five UK places for YOTA winter camp

Hot on the heels of August’s Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) summer camp in Bulgaria, IARU Region 1 YOTA will be running a winter camp in the Netherlands from 12 to 15 December 2019. We’ve secured five places at the camp for RSGB Members aged 16 to 25. The camp, which will take place in […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The RSGB Convention takes place in Milton Keynes from 11 to 13 October 2019. The provisional programme of lectures and workshops can be found at The Buildathon on Saturday evening includes food and also the SMD Sudden 2, a 40m direct conversion receiver, made and supplied by Kanga Products UK. All necessary equipment will […]

Rallies and Events News – 1 September 2019

This Sunday, 1 September, the Telford Hamfest and G-QRP Convention takes place at Harper Adams University, near Telford, TF10 8NB. See for more information. Next Sunday, 7 September, the Caister Lifeboat Rally will be held at Caister Lifeboat station, Tan Lane, Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk NR30 5DJ. Access is via the car park in Beach Road. […]

DX News – 1 September 2019

Laurent, F8BBL will be active as TK19IOTA between 6 and 22 September. He plans to operate from IOTA groups EU-014, which is the main island of Corsica, EU-100, which is Cerbicales, EU-104, which is Sanguinaires and EU-164, which is Lavezzi. He operates mainly CW. QSL via F8BBL either direct or via the bureau and Logbook […]

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