Rallies and Events News – 3 November 2019

This Sunday, 3 November, the Bushvalley ARC Rally takes place at Limavady Football Club, Rathmore Road, Limavady BT49 0DF. Doors open 11am and admission is £3. Next Saturday, 9 November, the BATC ATV Convention South takes place at Chilton Village Hall near Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0SH. There will be an ATV Clinic, Show and Tell, […]

DX News – 3 November 2019

Members of the CAN-AM DXpedition Group will be active as TX7T from Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands, IOTA reference OC-027, from 6 to 17 November. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 in Fox and Hound mode on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL via M0URX’s OQRS and Logbook of The World. Rick, NE8Z will […]

Special Events News – 3 November 2019

The volunteers of the Brooklands Wireless Communications Collection will operate the museum’s call sign, GB1BM, to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the ending of hostilities of the First World War on 9 November. They will operate from the Finishing Straight, Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Road, Weybridge KT13 0QN. The aim is to contact 101 other radio […]

Contest News – 3 November 2019

This weekend, the Marconi CW contest runs for 24 hours ending at 1400UTC this Sunday, the 3rd. It is CW only on the 144MHz band and the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The Midlands Inter-Club GMT Activity contest continues this Sunday, the 3rd, and on subsequent Sundays. It runs between 10am and […]

Propagation News – 3 November 2019

Last week offered a mixed bag of HF propagation. The weekend saw the aftermath of a geomagnetic storm, triggered by matter from a solar coronal hole. This pushed the Kp index up to six and sparked auroras at the North and South poles. The disturbance eventually settled by Wednesday, after a few days of the […]

WRC-19 Day-4: Consensus, or Not

WRC-19 takes decisions based on consensus rather than votes. Day 4, Thursday October 31st provided a few examples of the extremes, of when views converge, or not. Wireless Power for electric vehicles (WPT-EV) managed to reach consensus on one of its core regulatory aspects. Subject to finalisation, ‘No Change’ will be made to the ITU […]

WRC-19 Day-3: kHz, MHz and GHz

Amateur radio interests at WRC-19 span an amazing range of frequencies and applications from kHz to GHz. Day-3 saw the start of the Wireless Power Transmission topic. Agenda Item 9.1.6, specifically considers its high power use for charging electric vehicles, termed WPT-EV. Whilst it operates at relatively low frequencies such as 19-21 or 79-90 kHz, […]

RadCom Plus, Vol. 4, No. 1

To read this edition, tap or click cover image Contents 3 VnArduino An Arduino VNA: vector network analyzer 11 The pros and cons of multiband inverted-V antennas Investigates the radiation performance of multiband antennas when deployed in horizontal or inverted-V configurations 16 A single frequency repeater Simultaneous FM Tx + Rx at VHF, as first […]

WRC-19 Day-2: The real work begins, inc 50 MHz

Following Monday’s opening, the second day saw most committees and sub-working groups stood up and many agenda items having their documents introduced. First thing of particular interest to amateur radio, was the release of two documents:- The official information document on IARU WRC-19 Positions across various current agenda items and views on future proposals that […]

WRC-19 Day-1: A Grand Opening

Monday morning October 28, saw WRC-19 start in the Sharm el-Sheikh International Conference Centre (SHICC) with an opening ceremony that ITU and the Egyptian hosts could be rightly proud of. Most of the 3500 registered delegates had managed to get hold of a prized secondary pass for the enhanced security precautions and were comfortably seated […]

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