RSGB Board changes

The RSGB Board plays an important role in the strategic direction of the Society To ensure that it is able to continue to do this efficiently, it has co-opted two experienced RSGB Members to assist the Board until the AGM in April 2020. This follows recent Board changes when Mark Jones G0MGX, Simone Wilson M0BOX […]

RSGB Board change, G4DJJ

Dr Chris Callicott, G4DJJ was confirmed as a nominated Director at the RSGB’s Annual General Meeting in April 2019. Unfortunately Chris has since had a serious health condition which has meant that he has not been able to take part in Board activities. He has now decided that he will need to stand down as […]

RSGB Board change, M0BOX

Simone Wilson, M0BOX has tendered her resignation as a RSGB Board Director. Simone was elected to the RSGB Board at the 2018 AGM and more recently took on responsibilities for the Regional Team, awards, Propagation Studies Committee and the specialist interest groups together with the Diversity strategic priority. We thank Simone for her contribution over […]

Mick Gritton, M0UXO, 13 October 2019

It is with sadness to announce that BARS member Mick Gritton, M0UXO became, after a long, gallant fought battle with illness, silent key on Sunday the 13th of October. Mick  joined BARS some years ago, taking all the exams to gain his licences from Foundation through to Advanced,  joined RAYNET and soon became Controller for […]

Ian Brown, G3TVU, 24th September 2019

Ian Brown, G3TVU, known to his friends and colleagues as “Brownie”, passed away on Tuesday 24 September 2019 at the age of 78. Ian was a professional electronic engineer; he began his career at STC Microwave Systems, later moving to Rolls Royce Aero Space where he spent the remainder of his working life before retiring […]

WRC-19 Day-9+10: Halfway there?

Thursday and Friday saw the halfway point reached at WRC-19 but this has led to some agenda items being continued into the weekend ahead of key deadlines on Monday. Satellites: One example, so far not mentioned, is a solution for Agenda Item 1.7 for tele-command spectrum for short duration small satellites (cubesats etc). A solution […]

Volunteer as GB2RS Manager

The GB2RS News service is looking for a new volunteer manager following the sad passing of Ken Hatton, G3VBA, earlier this year. The position involves appointing and liaising with GB2RS newsreaders, managing schedules and notices of variation, and working closely with the editorial staff at HQ. For more information please contact the RSGB General Manager […]

News from WRC-19

The World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) opened in Egypt on 28 October 2019. Daily reports of proceedings can be found on the RSGB’s social media and special focus page at These reports are prepared by the RSGB volunteers attending the conference. WRC-19 has a wide-ranging agenda, of which the amateur issues are but a […]

Train the Trainers event in July 2020

Advance notice that Hilderstone Radio Society will host an RSGB Train the Trainers event on Saturday, 11 July 2020. This free event takes place in Margate and is open to all amateurs interested in helping new amateurs acquire or progress to a higher licence. It is essential you pre-book. For more information, or to register […]

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