Rallies and Events News – 17 November 2019

Nevada Radio has its open day in their Portsmouth premises this Sunday, the 17th. RSGB representatives will be in attendance. The Mid-Cornwall Beacon and Repeater Group AGM is on Saturday, 23 November. It takes place at Lanivet Village Hall, Lanivet, Cornwall PL30 5HG. Doors open at 1pm and proceedings commence at 2pm. Full details at […]

DX News – 17 November 2019

Al, K7AR will be active as V63AR from Pohnpei, OC-010, from 18 to 26 November. Using the HF bands with CW, SSB and FT8, he will also enter the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL to home call. Bud, AA3B will be on the air as V26K from Antigua, NA-100, until 26 November. He’ll […]

Special Events News – 17 November 2019

Throughout November, W9CAP will be on the air from Chicago, celebrating the role of the US Civil Air Patrol in Illinois. Operations are planned in the 7, 14, 18 and 28MHz bands. A special QSL card will be available. OL75CARBON will be on the air until the end of November from the Czech Republic. The […]

Contest News – 17 November 2019

This Sunday sees the UK Microwave Group Low Band contest. Running from 1000 to 1400UTC, all modes can be used on the 1.3 to 3.4GHz bands. The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. On Tuesday the 1.3GHz Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2300UTC. Using all modes on the 23cm band, the exchange […]

Propagation News – 17 November 2019

Last week was pretty good in terms of HF propagation. Other than a slight blip in the Kp index on Monday, the 11th, when it rose to three due to a weak coronal hole stream, geomagnetic conditions remained settled. The Sun remained spot-free all week, although a new region was noted on the 13th. Region […]

WRC-19 Day-13+14: IARU Features and Waits

WRC-19 like any major international conference has news and media associated with it. The ITU have a TV Studio at the venue for interviews –  including one with IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH which is now available on Youtube. The IARU summary position has also featured in an ITU news release IARU Positions feature in […]

RSGB Shop now back at usual URL

We are pleased to announce that following the technical issues we experienced last week and earlier this week, that the RSGB Shop has now returned to the rsgbshop.org domain. All your bookmarked URLs and links from the search engines will now work as usual. If you have changed any bookmarks or hyperlinks to the backup […]

WRC-19 Day-11+12: Week-3 and Next Steps…

Week-3 should be where even the harder items are heading towards solutions. Conveniently a CEPT status table shows that many items are running behind schedule or being escalated to higher levels as their lower-level drafting groups close. CEPT WRC-19 Status table 50 MHz: One of the few clearer signs of progress has been on AI-1.1 […]

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