On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net on 144.260MHz at 10.30am. The Club has weekday nets taking place from 4pm on 145.450MHz, except Wednesday when the net moves to 144.260MHz between 8 and 9pm. The Club’s Friday nets take place from 11am […]
The next meeting of Aberdare and District Amateur Radio Society will be held on Friday 1 March at Hirwaun YMCA Hall, CF44 9RB from 6pm. Ian Miles 2W0IWM, info@aberdareradio.club Aberkenfig and District Amateur Radio Club has its weekly meeting on Wednesday from 7pm at Tondu Railway Club, Station Approach, Bridgend. The club is an approved […]
It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Bob Wilkinson, G3VVT on 13 February 2024. Bob served as ETCC Manager for North England since 2006. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time. Andrew Barrett, G8DOR
George became interested in radio in the late 1930s and joined Weymouth & District Short Wave Club (G8WQ) in 1938. He achieved an AA (Artificial Aerial) licence in March 1939, callsign 2DGB. He was called up for national service in July 1939 and de-mobbed in January 1946 after which he managed to get a full […]
Over the last few years, the RSGB has been developing the way in which the Board can be asked questions at the Society’s online AGMs. Last year, people were able to ask questions over YouTube live chat, as well as submitting written questions in advance. This year, in response to members’ feedback, there will be […]
The RSGB has a collection of resources to help you get involved with British Science Week, which runs from the 8 to the 17 March 2024, and this year has the theme of Time. If you already have something planned, please let the RSGB know. This will be useful for others to see and might […]
Registration is now open for Maritime Radio Day 2024 which takes place annually on the 14 and 15 April. The event is held to commemorate the almost 100 years of wireless telegraphy service for seafarers which ended with the closure in the UK of Portishead Radio on the 30th of April 2000. Commencing at 1200UTC […]
There are less than two weeks to go until the deadline for the RSGB Construction Competition. There are six categories to enter this year: Antennas; Beginners; Most creative and/or elegant PCB Design; Construction Excellence; Innovation; and Software and Systems. To enable members from across the country, and even the world, to enter, entries will again […]
The British Vintage Wireless Society Biggleswade Swapmeet and AGM will take place on Sunday 25 February. The venue will be The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8JH. A bring-and-buy stall will be available with a 10% commission on sales going to the British Vintage Wireless and Television Museum. Stallholders can gain entry […]
Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the Marquis Hall, Abbey Street, Bangor, BT20 4JE from 7.30pm. For more information visit the Society’s Facebook page. Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club meets at 8pm on the last Thursday of each month at the Services Club, Roemill Road, Limavady. For […]