The RSGB has launched a new web page on how emerging technology can be used in amateur radio. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing offer the opportunity to broaden the definition of amateur radio. They can also increase appeal and attract a more diverse audience. For existing radio amateurs, they offer the opportunity […]
On Saturday 29 March, the RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator, Martyn Baker, G0GMB, together with Andy Webster, G7UHN from the Radio Communications Foundation, will be delivering a talk in the Fellowship Auditorium at the Bletchley Park museum. The presentation will introduce people to the radio spectrum and how to get to grips with the fundamentals […]
British Science Week is less than a month away and the RSGB would love you to use your interest, expertise and enthusiasm for amateur radio to get people involved. The annual event is taking place between the 7 and 16 March and is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. Perhaps you love going […]
Don’t forget that Girlguiding groups will be taking part in World Thinking Day on the Air activities over the weekends of the 15 and 22 February. The aim of the event is to encourage Girlguiding members to make friendships with those in other units, using amateur radio as the means of communication. A list of […]
Today, the 9 February, the Mid Cheshire Amateur Radio Society RadioActive Fair is taking place at Nantwich Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5DG. The doors are open from 10am to 3pm and admission costs £5. Hot food, refreshments and free car parking are available. For more information contact Patrick, 2E0VGF via The […]
Thierry, TK1CX is active from Cameroon until the end of February. He is QRV as TJ/TK1CX on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m bands. He operates mainly using FT8. QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL, or via EA5ZD. Przemo, SP3PS is operating as C5SP from The Gambia until around the middle of March. […]
The CQ World Wide WPX RTTY Contest started at 0000UTC on Saturday 8 and runs until 2359UTC today, the 9 February. Using RTTY on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. The PACC Contest started at 1200UTC on Saturday 8 and runs until 1200UTC today, […]
Last week went pretty much as predicted. The solar wind from a large coronal hole impacted the Earth on Saturday 1 February, pushing the Kp index to four. The hole was so large that the geomagnetic disturbance lasted until the early evening on Sunday. Once the solar wind speed had dropped, things got back to […]
Meetings of Bolsover Amateur Radio Society take place on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Bainbridge Hall, Bolsover, S44 6PX, from 8pm. Further information and reminders for meetings can be found on the Society’s Facebook page @bolsoverars Contact Richard, G0RRZ on 07905 868 221 for further information. Bromsgrove and District Amateur […]
Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening from 7pm every Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be a net on 144.5625MHz FM from 7pm. David, G4TMZ, Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur’s Club meets at Stanley Crook Village Hall on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Anyone wishing to study or take exams should […]