The RSGB’s popular Tonight@8 webinar series takes a break in August, but there are two great presentations lined up for the start of the autumn programme. On Monday 2 September, Brian Coleman, G4NNS will give an update on the Meteor Beacon Project. The following month, on Monday 7 October, there’s a chance to hear about […]
Part 1 of the British Amateur Television Club Convention for Amateur TV 2024, also known as CAT 24, is taking place today, the 4 August, from 10am to 4pm. The venue is Midland Air Museum, Rowley Road, Coventry, CV3 4FR. The Convention provides opportunities for amateurs to meet, take part in show-and-tell activities, use test […]
International Cat Day is taking place on Thursday 8 August. To celebrate this, GB4CAT will be on the air from West Sussex from Thursday afternoon until the following Sunday evening. Activity will be on the HF bands, mainly on the 40m band, but the higher bands as well if they are open. As cats are […]
Meetings of Bolsover Amateur Radio Society take place every other Tuesday starting at 8pm at the Bainbridge Hall, Bolsover, S44 6PX. Further information and reminders for meetings can be found on the Society’s Facebook page @bolsoverars Contact Vin G4KSY on 01246 827135 for further information. Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club meets every Friday from […]
Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting from 7pm every Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be a net on 144.5625MHz FM from 7pm. On Sundays, members have a meeting and social evening from 7pm. David, G4TMZ, Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur Club will be meeting at the Village Hall, Stanley Crook on Thursday […]
Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society has 2m nets from 9pm on Tuesday and from 8pm on Saturday. On Thursday, members will be active for Parks on the Air from Killylane Reservoir, Ballyclare, County Antrim, from 7.30pm. The next meeting of Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society will be its AGM on Tuesday 10 […]
From the 27 July to 3 August 2024, the Essex International Jamboree is welcoming around 10,000 scouts and guides—including 2,000 supporting volunteers from around the world—to Boyton Cross near Chelmsford. As part of the programme, amateur radio station GB24EIJ will be running a wide range of communications and electronics activities. The organising team intends the […]
Today, the 28 July, Wiltshire Radio Summer Rally is taking place at Kington Langley Village Hall, Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ. The event is running from 9am to 1pm, admission is £3 and indoor tables cost £10. To take part in the car boot sale, a car-sized pitch costs £10 and a van-sized pitch is £15. […]
Special event station TM67JO is active to celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic Games which began on Friday 26 July. The operators include F1LFL on SSB, F5PZT using FT8 and FT4, and F5TFW on CW. QSL to F1LFL via the Bureau or directly. For more information about the special event station, which will be operating until […]
Jeff, W7BRS is active as VK2/W7BRS from Lord Howe Island, OC-004, until the 1 August. He is operating using CW, SSB and FT8 on the 40 to 10m bands. QSL via OQRS. A team of five UK operators will attempt to activate MM0UKI from the Flannan Islands, EU-118, in August. The uninhabited island group is […]