Awards Manager appointed

The RSGB Board has appointed a new Awards Manager, Lindsay Pennell, G8PMA. An avid award collector himself, Lindsay already volunteers as a RSGB QSL Bureau Sub-manager and has recently served on the Legacy Committee. He will start his new role next week. He can be contacted then via email to

Charity auction for special Morse key

The RSGB and NHS Campaign ‘Get on the air for Christmas’ is off to a great start this week with the launch of a charity auction to raise money for NHS Charities Together. Roy Bailey, G0VFS created his beautifully-engineered VirusPerpleXed Bug CW Key during the first lockdown and has kindly donated it for the auction. […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The world’s largest solar observatory, located on the island of Maui in Hawaii, has released its first image of a sunspot, which captures the phenomenon in striking detail. The image, taken last January, is among the first solar images of the new Solar Cycle 25 and can be seen at  The telescope’s 4m primary […]

Special Events News – 13 December 2020

Thurrock Acorns ARC members will be on the air as GB4XMS from the 20th of December to the 3rd of January. During the month of December, Welland Valley ARS will be running GB1XMS, GB2XMS, GB5XMS and GB9XMS from the shacks of various members. QSL via eQSL and Logbook of The World.

DX News – 13 December 2020

The 6V1A expedition to the island of Goree, IOTA reference AF-045, will be between the 18th and 20th of December. Activity will be on various bands SSB and CW. QSL via Logbook of The World.

Contest News – 13 December 2020

Please remember to check before the contest for any new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. The RSGB strongly advises obeying your national and local government’s advice. As per tradition, December is a quiet month for traditional contests, with no RSGB HF contests, but look out for the […]

Propagation News – 13 December 2020

We said last week that it would be hard to predict what would happen over the next seven days – and that turned out to be true. The coronal hole we mentioned last week didn’t really amount to much, and sunspot region 2790 didn’t either. As a result, the solar flux index fell to 82 […]

New IARU VHF handbook

The new VHF Handbook, version 9.00, is available on the IARU Region 1 website. You can download it directly from It contains all decisions made during the last virtual General Conference.

RSGB mounts Christmas charity auction

The RSGB is running a charity auction as part of its ‘Get on the air for Christmas’ campaign with the NHS. Roy Bailey, G0VFS won the Lockdown Category in the RSGB’s annual Construction Competition and has donated his beautifully-engineered VirusPerpleXed Bug CW Key to raise money for NHS Charities Together. The auction will run from […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

Listen out for Youngsters On The Air stations around the world. GB20YOTA will be operating throughout December. G8IXK will operate the station today, the 6th; then M0WJE on Monday. Tuesday sees the callsign under G4DJX’s guidance with M0NCG taking over on Wednesday. M0MUX will be operating on Friday and then M0SDV takes over for the […]

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