Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.575MHz FM. Monday sees a slow CW exercise from 11am on 14.055MHz. On Wednesday there’s an open net on 145.575MHz from 7.30pm. Thursday sees an open net from 8pm on 145.575MHz. Contact Barry, M0ISZ, on 01283 540570. Loughborough & District Amateur Radio […]
With the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions on the Isle of Man, meetings at the club shack in Ballasalla have resumed, although meetings at Tromode are suspended until further notice. The Isle of Man ARS nets on Sundays continue on 3.715MHz at 9.30am and 10pm, plus a net on the GB3IM repeater network after the GB2RS […]
Antrim and District Amateur Radio Club activates GB2CW on Tuesdays from 7pm on 145.250MHz FM. This is ideal for anyone interested in learning Morse, or wanting to brush up their CW skills. All are welcome to call in. Transmissions are from Co Down, covering greater Belfast and surrounding areas. It’s good fun and the sessions […]
The Finnish Amateur Radio League issues the SRAL 100 award in honour of the 100th anniversary year 2021. For the award, you must have contacts with at least 100 different OH amateurs. The contacts must be held between 1.1.2021 and 31.12.2021. All bands and modes allowed for radio amateurs may be used. Contacts via repeater stations are not accepted. Short wave listeners can also apply for the award. By working at least 100 OH stations during 2021 you can apply for the award. CLICK for more info.
The RSGB is delighted to announce some enhancements to the GB2RS News service. Kelvan, M0KEL is now broadcasting the news via GB3IW on the Isle of Wight at 1015UTC each Sunday. The repeater is on 433.225MHz FM with a sub-audible access tone of 71.9Hz. The repeater has an impressive coverage on the south coast too, […]
Andrew, KI7RYC has donated the hamradio.org domain to the International Amateur Radio Union for non-profit educational use to promote the amateur and amateur-satellite services. In accepting the gift, IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH said, “The hamradio.org domain offers a unique opportunity for which we are deeply grateful to Andrew. It is our intention to develop […]
The RSGB represents UK radio amateurs both nationally and internationally. Strengthening this representation is part of the Society’s strategic goals. A short video explaining more about this has been added to the Spectrum Forum web page
Girl Guides from Australia will be operating the ALARA Echolink conference station, node 286905, from 2200UTC to 2359UTC on Saturday the 20th of February for their International Thinking Day activities. Contacts from Girl Guides and Leaders would be appreciated. The preparatory work for WRC-23 has started across all regions in both the ITU?R and the […]
Gareth, M0MOL will be active as MM0MOL/P from the main island of Shetland, IOTA reference EU-012, in February and March. He will operate QRP with what he refers to as a typical portable setup and he will be QRV mainly in the evenings after work. Kang, DS4DRE will be active as DS4DRE/4 from Komun Island, […]
Hull & District ARS is continuing to celebrate 100 years of amateur radio clubs in the Hull area with its year-long special event station, GB1OOH. The station operates most days on bands ranging from 160m to 70cm using different modes. Further details about the operation can be found on QRZ.com IQ3DD will be active during […]