News for Wales – 6 December 2020

Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an 80m net from 2pm on Sundays. Wednesdays see a FM or Fusion net from 7.30pm via GB3CM, and on Thursday there’s a net via GB3FG from 8pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880. Dragon Amateur Radio Club has an online meeting from 7pm on Monday. Details from […]

Get on the air for Christmas

The RSGB has announced its latest activity for the Get on the air for Christmas campaign with the NHS. The special construction competition has a prize of £100 and the winning entry will be featured on the Society’s website and in RadCom. If you’ve been making something during the autumn lockdowns or are preparing to […]

60th year for GB3VHF

The 2m beacon GB3VHF will start its 60th year of operation in December. Located at Fairseat on the North Downs in Kent, the beacon is on 144.430MHz at a height of 205m ASL. It provides a propagation monitoring source that can reach across several countries. Find out more at

Episode 27 TX Factor

Episode 27 TX Factor will soon be available. In this latest episode the RSGB’s General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB explains how the Society’s positive response to the spring and summer lockdown helped to boost awareness of amateur radio in the UK. Steve stresses the importance of the ongoing work needed to maintain the impetus. Bob, […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The RSGB is looking for an experienced volunteer to fill the role of Convention Chair for the Society’s 2021 event. You will need exceptional organisational skills, good interpersonal skills, a wide awareness of all aspects of amateur radio and good knowledge of RSGB policies and procedures. For other information, including how to find out more […]

Special Events News – 29 November 2020

Celebrating the Christmas Holiday Season, the Market Reef DX Association will be active on all bands and modes as OG1XMAS between the 29th of November and the 26th of December. QSL via Logbook of The World and Club Log. Members of Club Radio Durnal are active as OP19MSF until the 13th of December “to put […]

DX News – 29 November 2020

Ali, EP3CQ will be active as 6O1OO from Somalia, until the 15th of January 2021. Members of the Holy land DX Group will operate 4X7T from 0800UTC on the 25th and 1300UTC on the 26th of December. They will have three running stations on the 80 to 10m bands using CW, SSB and FT-8. The […]

Contest News – 29 November 2020

Please remember to check before the contest for any new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. The RSGB strongly advises obeying your national and local government’s advice. This weekend it’s the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. The 48 hours run ends at 2359UTC today, the 29th. Activity […]

Propagation News – 29 November 2020

Last week represented a good example of how solar cycle 25 is progressing. We started the week on the 22nd with a solar flux index, SFI, of 88 and a sunspot number of 35. Just to recap, that doesn’t mean there were 35 sunspots, as we count each sunspot group as 10 and each spot […]

News for England Midlands – 29 November 2020

Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.575MHz FM. Monday sees a slow CW exercise from 11am on 14.055MHz. On Wednesday there’s an open net from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz. Thursday sees an open net from 8pm on 145.575MHz. Contact Barry, M0ISZ, on 01283 540570. Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association has […]

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