Visitors flock to NRC

The RSGB National Radio Centre is seeing amazing visitor numbers. In July they welcomed 7,682 visitors and, on the last Saturday in July, there were 639 in a single day. The RSGB continues to put emphasis on the wellbeing of visitors and volunteers; visitor numbers are carefully monitored. The RSGB is also asking visitors and […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will take place on the 14th and 15th of August. Tickets includes entry for the Live two-day period as well as the 30 day on-demand period. Access to the Exhibitor area is free, but does require registration. You can purchase tickets and see a complete list of over […]

Rallies and Events News – 8 August 2021

Before travelling to any rally or event, please check the event’s website as there may be alterations or cancellations due to the current restrictions. As previously publicised, the Flight Refuelling Hamfest that was originally scheduled for today, the 8th, is cancelled. The Cockenzie & Port Seton Mini Rally scheduled for the 13th of August is […]

SSTV sked from ISS

Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are planning to transmit slow-scan TV (SSTV) images on 145.800MHz FM using the SSTV mode PD-120. The transmissions will be made from RS0ISS in the Russian ISS service module. The dates are planned as the 6 August 2021 from 1050 to 1910UTC, and the 7 August 2021 […]

New interlinked GB2RS broadcast

We’re always seeking new ways to bring you GB2RS each week, and now we have news of an interlinked broadcast. John, G4TRN and Sean, G7NJX have interlinked GB3ZB and GB3FI to extend their 70cm broadcast to both sides of the Mendips. Thank you to them and all the other newsreaders who bring the news to […]

Amateur on University Challenge

Nikolas, M0IPY, who is Chair of Cambridge University Wireless Society, will be appearing in the Emmanuel College team on University Challenge. The programme airs Monday, 2 August 2021 at 8.30pm. Why not watch and cheer his team on! Nikolas also recently took part in the VHF NFD in Cambridge. You can find out more details […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

Kevin, G0PEK and Lauren, 2E0HLR will be taking part in the Megacycle DXpedition as they cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats. It starts today, the 1st of August, and they hope to be home by the 28th. They will be carrying radio equipment on the bikes and operating VHF bicycle mobile and APRS along […]

Propagation News – 1 August 2021

Last week the Sun was bursting with sunspots, with a solar flux index in the high 80s. But, by Thursday, we were looking at a different picture, with zero sunspots and a solar flux index of 79. We also had a geomagnetic disturbance, thanks to the arrival of a high-speed stream from a coronal hole […]

News for England Midlands – 1 August 2021

Today, the 1st, and tomorrow, Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society is operating a special event station at Armourgeddon Tank Museum. Peter, G4XEX 01858 432 105. Lincoln Short-Wave Club has some maintenance working being done in the shack from 10am, with Covid precautions in place today, this Sunday and next. On Tuesday there is a net […]

News for England North – 1 August 2021

Meetings at the Ballasalla venue and Tromode Sea Cadets Hall on the Isle of Man have been suspended until further notice due to Covid-19. There is an open net on GB3IM on Wednesday nights from 7.30pm. The net on Sunday on 3.715MHz at 9.30am and 10pm plus a net on GB3IM after the 11am GB2RS […]

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