The RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park has announced its opening times for the Christmas and New Year period. The NRC will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. On New Year’s Eve the Centre will close at 2pm. See the website for useful info to help you […]
It’s not too late to support December YOTA Month 2021. We need your help to get youngsters on the air and interested in radio communications. We have been granted the callsign GB21YOTA, for allocation to youngsters to operate throughout December. To see what operating slots are still available please look up GB21YOTA on You […]
As previously announced, the Bishop Auckland RAC rally, which was planned for today, has been cancelled. Now is the perfect time to let us know your group’s rally or event plans for 2022. Email with details and we’ll publicise your event for free.
Take, JI3DST is operating from Shodo Island, IOTA reference AS-200, as JI3DST/5, JR8YLY/5, and JR8YLY/p until the 2nd of December. QSL via ClubLog OQRS and LoTW. Lester, W8YCM is in Jamaica, NA-097 until January next year and will be on the air as 6Y6Y. QSL via W8YCM. Peter, HB9DVG is on the air as A52CC […]
Throughout December, Crocodile Rock Amateur Group will operate Special Special Event Station GB1002ZE and Special Event Station GB2ZE. Activities will be from near Ardrossan, Scotland, marking the first amateur transatlantic communication a century ago. Special event stations 8H13H, 8H13U, 8H13T, 8G13T, 8G13A, 8G13N, 8G13G, 8G13S, 8G13E, and 8G13L will be on the air until the […]
When operating in contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following relevant pandemic-related government recommendations. The CQWW DX CW contest concludes its 48-hour run at 2359UTC tonight, Sunday. Using CW only on the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is serial number, signal report and CQ Zone, which for the UK is […]
We had yet another week with low solar activity. The solar flux index started the week at 79 and by Thursday had only climbed to 83. Ideally, we want the SFI to be above 100 to guarantee good 10m openings. Geomagnetically, the Sun has been quiet with a maximum Kp index of three. On Thursday […]
Burton Amateur Radio Club meets on Wednesday at 7.30pm. There are nets on 145.575MHz at 10am on Sundays and Thursdays at 8pm. Monday sees slow CW training from 11am on 14.055MHz. Barry, M0ISZ, 01283 540570 Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society has a breakfast meeting from 10am on Sundays. On Tuesday there is a meeting […]
Former IARU Region 1 President and RSGB Past-President Don Beattie, G3BJ, was recently presented with the prestigious Michael J. Owen Award by the IARU Administrative Council. The award recognises those outstanding volunteers whose exceptional service to the IARU reflect the spirit, hard work and dedication of the late Michael Owen. IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH […]
On Monday, 6 December 2021, Tonight @ 8 will feature Noel Matthews, G8GTZ who will be presenting on the latest developments in the ever-evolving world of amateur TV. Noel will give an overview of ATV activity in the UK and, in particular, how the use of reduced bandwidth signals has enabled ATV QSOs on the […]