Happy New Year

The news team and all the staff at RSGB HQ would like to wish our newsreaders, listeners and online readers a very Happy New Year. We would like to remind everyone that we always welcome your news, by email, to radcom@rsgb.org.uk, and the deadline is 10am sharp on Thursday mornings. The GB2RS script is uploaded […]

Board and Regional volunteers wanted

The RSGB is calling for volunteers to fill roles in its Board and Regional Team. There are Elected Director vacancies, as well as eight Regional Representative roles to be filled. The online nomination process is open and completed papers, with supporting nominations, must be received by 2359UTC on the 31st of January 2022. You can […]

GB100BBC marks BBC Centenary

Celebrations to mark the BBC’s Centenary began at noon on the 1st of January. The London BBC Radio Group was granted an extended Special Special Event radio licence by Ofcom, to operate GB100BBC throughout 2022. The amateur radio activity is one of many events organised to celebrate 100 years of the BBC, which began broadcasting […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The RSGB HF Contest Calendar for 2022, with all the rules for our contests, has been published. Go to the website and click on the HF pages tab. For VHF and up contests, click on the VHF pages. Please put all your favourite contests into your diary for this year. The WSJT development group has […]

Rallies and Events News – 09 January 2022

Now is the perfect time to let us know your group’s rally or event plans for 2022. Email radcom@rsgb.org.uk with details and we’ll publicise your event for free in RadCom, on GB2RS, and online. There are already over twenty rallies in the calendar for 2022.

DX News – 09 January 2022

W2APF will be active as VP2MDX from Montserrat, IOTA reference NA-103, from the 9th of January to the 18th of February. He will operate CW and SSB on the 80 to 10m bands. QSL via W2APF.

GB2RS Christmas arrangements

Next Sunday, the 26th, will see the final GB2RS script for 2021. The deadline for news is being brought forward to 10am on Tuesday 21 December, instead of the usual Thursday. The news reading on the 26th is optional, as the RSGB appreciates that not all newsreaders will be available, but the script will be […]

Volunteers sought for Board and Regions

We would like to remind Members that the RSGB is looking for volunteers for roles in the Regional Team and on the Board. The deadline for completed nominations is 23:59 on 31 January 2022. There are eight vacancies for Regional Representatives and one for an elected Board Director. You can see further details about the […]

Comoros DXpedition postponed

The Comoros Islands DXpedition that was to take place sometime between mid-to-end January in 2022 has been postponed. The Covid situation makes it safer for the team not to travel now. It should take place later in 2022.

Also in GB2RS this week…

Having listened to feedback, the RSGB is delighted to announce that from the January 2022 issue onwards, it has been making RadCom available online for Members to read in the same week that the hard copy arrives through the letterbox. The January 2022 RadCom is now on the website. Have you ever thought of becoming […]

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