Propagation News – 06 March 2022

We had another pretty uninspiring week, sunspot wise, with the solar flux index struggling to get above 100, at least until later in the week when it touched 110 on Thursday. The good news is that, on the whole, geomagnetic conditions were quiet, which really allowed the F2 ionospheric layer to develop. As a result, […]

ARISS special SSTV experiment

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is planning a special SSTV experiment. The first experiment in the series will utilise ARISS-approved ground stations in Europe that will transmit digital SSTV signals. These will be available for all in the ISS footprint when SSTV transmissions occur. The first SSTV experiment is planned for 20 […]

RAYNET deployed during Storm Eunice

Gloucester, Bristol and North Somerset RAYNET groups were deployed at 0500 on Friday, 18 February 2022 as Storm Eunice hit the UK. Thirteen other groups were on alert and on standby, ready for deployment as necessary. The RSGB would like to thank all of those groups for helping their local communities.

Also in GB2RS this week…

TX Factor is back after a year’s break and the RSGB is delighted to sponsor Episode 28. Bob and Mike get to grips with constructing a digital voice modem using an MMDVM module kit and Raspberry Pi Zero, and Bob reviews the long-awaited ID-52 5W handheld transceiver from Icom. There’s a chance to win a […]

Rallies and Events News – 20 February 2022

The Radioactive Fair will take place at Nantwich Civic Hall today, Sunday the 20th of February. You can find out more on the website. The Lagen Valley ARS Rally will take place on the 5th of March at the Hillsborough Village Centre. On the 6th, the Exeter Radio & Electronics Rally will be held in […]

DX News – 20 February 2022

Brian, GW4DVB will be active as J88PI from Bequia Island, NA-025, from the 24th of February to the 8th of March. He will operate mainly SSB and FT8. QSL direct to his home callsign. Kamel, 7X2GK will be operating as 7T22ANT from locator JM16KD in Algeria, for the 19th Antarctic Activity Week that runs from […]

Special Events News – 20 February 2022

W2AN/1BCG will be on the air using the Antique Wireless Association replica of the 1921 transmitter used in the transatlantic test. The QSO party begins on the 26th of February at 2300UTC. AWA operators at the museum site in Bloomfield, New York will begin calling CQ on 1.821MHz using CW. They will listen on or […]

Enter the RSGB Construction Competition

The RSGB Construction Competition deadline for entries is Tuesday, 1 March 2022, so you still have time to enter. There are four categories—beginners, software, innovation, and construction excellence. A cash prize will be awarded for the winner of each section, with a bonus for the overall winner, who will also be declared the winner of […]

Mister APRS becomes a Silent Key

Sad news now. The creator of the Automatic Packet Reporting System. or APRS, Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, has become a Silent Key. While best known for APRS, he was also a retired US Naval Academy senior research engineer who had an abiding interest in alternative power sources, such as solar power.

Also in GB2RS this week…

Bletchley Park is holding an online lecture marking the 80th anniversary of the opening of Bletchley Park’s Bombe Hut 11A. The Bombe machines of Bletchley Park by Bletchley Park’s Research Historian, Dr David Kenyon, will explore the impact the Bombe machine had and how it was used to combat the Enigma cipher system. The lecture […]

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