Mike, W6QT plans to be active as DU3/W6QT from Subic Bay in the Philippines until the 15 September. He will operate SSB and FT8 on the 6 to 80m bands. QSL via W6QT. The log will be uploaded to Logbook of The World and Club Log. Ilya, R5AF and Igor, R4FCN will be active as […]
We were saddened to learn of the passing of our very dear friend and fellow ham, Roger Western G3SXW. Roger had been a stalwart member of the Echelford Amateur Radio Society for some considerable time. He was well known for his prowess as a first class morse operator and particularly for his DXpeditions, for which […]
The RSGB GB2RS News Service is delighted to announce two new broadcasts on Sundays. With a nod to how it all started back in 1955, we have introduced a transmission using amplitude modulation. This takes place in the 80m band on 3650kHz at 08.00 UK time from the station of G4JBD in Bedfordshire. The intended […]
Every year thousands of people get into difficulty around our coast. Thousands of unpaid volunteers swing into action to save and rescue them. SOS Radio Week celebrates the work of these selfless volunteers. Amateur radio stations get on the air to raise awareness of the invaluable work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, National Coastwatch […]
The Vintage Military Amateur Radio Society (VMARS) will be displaying at the Blackpool Rally on Sunday, 24 April 2022. They have regular nets on 3615kHz at 8.30am on Saturdays using AM, and at 8pm on Wednesdays using USB to facilitate the use of ex-military equipment. On Fridays, the frequency remains as 3615kHz at 7.30pm using […]
Provisional results for the 2021 IARU Region 1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest are available. A total of 762 logs from 27 different countries in Region 1 were received. You can read the provisional results on the website. This year’s CDXC Convention will take place on Saturday the 7th of May at The Link Hotel, Loughborough. […]
Please send your rally and event news as soon as possible to radcom@rsgb.org.uk We’ll publicise your event in RadCom, on GB2RS, and online. The Cambridge Repeater Group Rally takes place today, the 24th. The venue is Foxton Village Hall, Hardman Road, Foxton, Cambridge CB22 6RN. Doors open at 9.30am and admission is £3. There will […]
On Sundays Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society Club has a net on 145.3875MHz from 7pm, on 50.180MHz SSB from 8pm and the club opens at 7pm. The club is also open on Wednesday from 7pm. Thursday sees nets at 7pm on 70.400MHz and 8pm on 145.3875MHz. Sue, M0PSZ, info@frars.co.uk On Sundays Riviera Amateur Radio Club […]
On Sundays Newport Amateur Radio Society has an HF net around 3.705MHz at 10am. On Tuesday there’s a VHF net on 145.375MHz from 8pm. Thursday sees a Club House and Zoom meetings from 7 to 9pm. Visit the website. Barry Amateur Radio Society meet every Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Sully Sports and Social Club. […]
The RSGB AGM is being livestreamed on Saturday, 23 April 2022 at 12 noon. You can still submit a question for the RSGB Board to answer during the event, but you will need to do so before 9am on Wednesday, 20 April. Voting in the elections closes at 09.00 on Thursday, 21 April—the Society encourages […]