Steve’s presentation Not everyone has room for a mast and HF Yagi. In this webinar Steve, G0KYA looks at alternatives for small gardens, including both commercial and home-made variants. He’ll also talk about testing antennas using WSPR and modelling them using MMANA-GAL. About Steve Steve Nichols, G0KYA is the Chair of the RSGB’s Propagation Studies […]
A recording of Mike’s presentation will be available here shortly Mike’s presentation The Raspberry Pi series of low-cost single-board computers were developed to promote teaching of basic computer science in schools. However, they have become extremely popular and are selling well outside the original target market including in amateur radio. Well-known expert Mike Richards, G4WNC […]
We have released two more 2019 Convention lecture videos to our YouTube channel: Chris Duckling, G3SVL talks about “Lessons from the 6Gs VK9XG DXpedition” Tony Canning, G2NF discusses “Urban QRM; What can I do?” We hope you enjoy them.
The RSGB has submitted its response to the Ofcom Consultation on Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, or EMF, ahead of the 12 June deadline. You can read the response on our EMF web page. In summary, the RSGB appreciates the need for the ICNIRP guidelines but cannot support the proposals from Ofcom that are onerous. It […]
To mark National Volunteers’ Week, RSGB Board Director Philip Willis, M0PHI has recorded a short video clip to thank all RSGB volunteers for the great work that they are doing to support the amateur radio community during these difficult times. He also highlights just some examples of the ‘Get on the air to care’ activities […]
We’re delighted to announce new appointments to the Regional Forum: Mark Burrows, 2E0SBM Regional Representative for Region 13, has been elected unopposed as the Regional Forum Chair Liz Cabban, GW0ETU has been co-opted as the Regional Representative for Region 6 David De La Haye, M0MBD has been co-opted as the Regional Representative for Region 12 […]
RSGB R11 Regional Representative Dean Brice, G0UIL had a chat about amateur radio with Mel Everett on BBC Radio Somerset on 31 May. The interview starts at 1:37
Warrington Amateur Radio Club has been featured in the “Warrington Worldwide” online news where they talked about how amateur radio is helping people during lockdown and profiled one of their young members.
RSGB Board Director Mike Bruce, M0ITI was interviewed on talkRadio on 31 May – go to their show’s website and click on the 02:30 – 3:00 section. The interview begins at the start of that half-hour section and lasts for about 14 minutes.
The ITV Wales programme “Wonders of the Coast Path” with Sean Fletcher on Monday 1 June at 8:30pm features Barry Amateur Radio Society re-enacting Marconi making his first CW transmission across the Bristol Channel. The programme was filmed before lockdown began. It will be broadcast nationally later in year but you can catch up […]