We’re delighted to announce further details of our online Convention, which will be held on Saturday, 9 October 2021. We’ll be streaming live on our YouTube channel and have a great line-up of expert speakers who will inspire you. We’ll be announcing our keynote speaker shortly. Whether you’re new to amateur radio or have been […]
For a number of years the RSGB has been operating a very successful Morse Competency Scheme. Until he recently became SK, Philip Brooks, G4NZQ ran the scheme’s administration that relies on the services of approximately 28 Morse Assessors dotted up and down the country to carry out the actual tests/assessments. We would like to appoint […]
Since the announcement of a national lockdown in March last year, and supporting the RSGB’s Get on the Air to Care campaign throughout, Nigel G4RWI has run the National Radio Centre net on 80m. The net ran every day in 2020 and has continued on weekdays throughout 2021, running over 400 nets with hundreds of […]
Despite hoping to meet face-to-face again this year, the RSGB Convention in October will again be online. This major indoor event takes many months to plan and, due to continuing Covid-19 uncertainty, the Society has to make the safety of attendees, volunteers and staff a priority. The RSGB is putting together another programme of excellent […]
The RSGB ran an amateur radio survey in May as part of its input to an IARU workshop Over 1,000 people responded and gave their views of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for amateur radio both currently and in the future. A summary of the responses has been published in the August RadCom. You […]
The call sign GB4RS is issued to the President of the Radio Society of Great Britain for the term of his/her office. Stewart Bryant, G4YSX is the current RSGB President and intends to use this call sign as often as possible. Why not listen out for him on the air and log this special call […]
Andrew has been licenced since 1993 and an RSGB member since 1993. He first became interested in amateur radio as a youngster through his Dad, who bought him an FT690 Mk2 when he gained his licence. That rig gave him the DX’ing bug on 6 metres and he says that he is still a 6-metre […]
Keith is an amateur who has been there and bought the t-shirt in terms of all the various aspects of the hobby. He has tinkered with the integration of radio and computers since the early days of the Acorn Atom and BBC computer, playing with packet radio nodes. His involvement with digimodes goes back to […]
Austin, M0MNE has a very appropriate call sign for a mariner (Merchant Navy Engineer)! Austin first became interested in radio through hearing short wave broadcast stations. Even as a young teenager he was exhibiting the experimenter’s curiosity of a radio amateur, stringing up different lengths of wire in the garden to improve reception. Teenage and […]
Following the update from Ofcom to its guidance “What you need to know as an Amateur Radio user” we have updated the RSGB calculator to version rsgb10a. You can find this on the EMF pages of the website Please treat this as a beta release and report any problems to m0jav@rsgb.org.uk Changes The main changes […]