RSGB Spectrum Forum Chair Murray, G6JYB attended the IARU Region-3 Conference Zoom Prep Meeting on 29 August. It is the first time that the RSGB has been represented at a Region-3 (Asia-Pacific) event in many years and provided useful background for the Region-1 Workshop to be held later in October. Overall there were 61 participants […]
Harjeeth Singh, M7MOH is nine years old and lives in Peterborough. He passed his Foundation licence exam at the end of June 2021. He explains how he became interested in amateur radio: “The first time I found out about electromagnetic waves was from a comic book about an Indian scientist called Jagadis Chandra Bose who […]
Robin, G8VVY was licensed in 1979 and has been a VHF aficionado since those early days as a class B licensee. Although restricted to the bands 2m and higher he was always striving for dx. In the 1980s this meant working into places like Poland, what is now the Czech Republic and former East Germany, […]
We would like to welcome three members to the Regional Team or to new posts within that team: We are delighted that Ron White, G6LTT has been co-opted as Regional Representative 9 until the RSGB 2022 AGM Martin Hallard, G1TYV takes up the role of District Representative 52 (Central and East Birmingham) Leigh Preece, M5GWH […]
We’re delighted that we can now resume our RSGB Members’ free entry voucher for Bletchley Park, which will also give you entry to the RSGB National Radio Centre. Visitor arrangements have changed and you will need to pre-book a date and time slot for your visit via the Bletchley Park website. You will need your […]
We held our 2021 AGM online in April and members were invited to send in questions for RSGB Board Directors before the AGM. These questions were answered during the event. In successive issues of RadCom we are sharing the questions and answers so that everyone can see the topics discussed and the answers given. We […]
? Noel’s presentation Following on from his talk Advances in Amateur Television at the RSGB 2016 convention, Noel Matthews, G8GTZ presents the latest developments in the ever-evolving world of amateur TV. Noel gives an overview of ATV activity in the UK and in particular how the use of reduced bandwidth (RBTV) signals enabled ATV QSOs […]
Ashhar’s presentation The BITX is a simple to build, yet challenging all-band transceiver kit. Many people, even if they don’t own one, will have heard or read of the impact it has for a radio amateur to be able to build a rig at a low cost, with repeatable results, to get on the air. […]
Steve’s presentation Voice repeaters have been with us in UK for almost 50 years a lot has changed in that time. We all are aware of repeaters but how many of us have considered what’s involved in getting one commissioned? In his presentation, Steve will cover a wide variety of information about repeaters, including the […]
For a number of years the RSGB has been operating a very successful Morse Competency Scheme. Until he recently became SK, Philip Brooks, G4NZQ ran the scheme’s administration that relies on the services of approximately 28 Morse Assessors dotted up and down the country to carry out the actual tests/assessments. We would like to appoint […]