RSGB talk to ICQ Podcast

The team at ICQ Podcast invited the RSGB to have a chat with them in their latest episode. RSGB President Stewart Bryant, G3YSX talks about the IARU R1 workshop; ESC Chair Tony Kent, G8PBH gives an update on training and exams; whilst General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB and Comms Manager Heather Parsons, discuss the recent […]

AR88 emulator donated to RSGB National Radio Centre

Recently the RSGB National Radio Centre received an AR88 emulator donated by volunteers at The National Museum of Computing (TNMOC). This wonderful-looking emulator is carefully constructed using electronics that allows visitors to physically tune up and down a simulated waveband listening to amateur radio signals in both SSB and CW. The signals are pre-recorded MP3 […]

Volunteers needed to investigate interference problems

Most of you will have experienced RF interference problems of one sort or another over the years. Many will have noticed that the incidence and intensity has increased. In this world of advanced digital technology and increasing wireless connectivity, the probability of interference is high and increasing rapidly. This is giving rise to an ever-increasing […]

RSGB 2021 Convention: Unwrapped

The RSGB held its second online Convention on Saturday 9 October. This new video – RSGB 2021 Convention: Unwrapped –  gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how we created the event. It includes quotes from viewers and presenters, as well as some statistics to show just how many thousands of people engaged with it during […]

Two RSGB Contest Committee surveys

The RSGB HF Contest Committee is going to use the info from this short survey to inform its planning. The committee is considering some changes to an existing contest and may introduce a new contest. Do take a few minutes to share your thoughts. Also, the RSGB VHF Contest Committee is finalising the VHF Contest […]

RSGB Honorary Treasurer vacancy

Following the recent co-option of Richard Horton, G4AOJ to the RSGB Board, the Society is seeking a new candidate for this role. The Honorary Treasurer, in conjunction with the Board, General Manager and Financial Controller, is accountable for the financial well-being of the Society.  The Treasurer advises the Board upon all financial matters and works […]

Richard Horton, G4AOJ co-opted as Board Director

The RSGB Board is pleased to announce that Richard Horton, G4AOJ has been co-opted as a Board Director until the 2022 AGM. Many members will know Richard as he has served as the RSGB Honorary Treasurer since 2011. After obtaining a degree in Physics at Merton College, Oxford in 1973, Richard trained as a professional […]

New mock exam papers available

At a recent meeting of the Examination Standards Committee it was agreed that the current mock exam papers on the RSGB website should be replaced by a fresh set, with one mock exam paper per licence level. Unlike the previous mock papers which were based on example questions, these new papers are generated from the […]

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