John Hislop, G7OHO recently established a new STEAMettes club at St Peter-in-Thanet CE Junior School, Broadstairs, Kent. With a mixed group from Years 2, 3 and 4 (6- to 9-year-olds) the first week saw them making bracelets and developing their skills in wire stripping and soldering. As well as creating a circuit using solderless breadboard, […]
Jim Campbell, 2M0IAQ, RSGB Regional Representative for Region 2 recently gave a talk to youngsters at Meldrum Academy, Aberdeenshire. Covering the benefits of Morse Code, basic radio theory and how to build circuits using a soldering iron, Jim enthused the Physics students who were learning about sine waves. With excellent feedback from the school, he […]
During this year’s British Science Week, Mallaig High School’s radio club took to the airwaves, operating club call sign GM5MHS. They had QSOs with a number of Irish and G stations. Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society members were very supportive and the school’s Foundation exam candidates thoroughly enjoyed communicating with everyone on HF.
British Science Week 2023 saw clubs across the country bring amateur radio to schools and colleges. Often, RSGB volunteers were involved in leading these activities. You can read more in the June RadCom about the activities that these clubs ran at schools during the week: Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs’ Club created activities for Staindrop Church […]
The RSGB is seeking to recruit an Editor for its RadCom Basics supplement. RadCom Basics is part of a suite of publications that also includes RadCom and RadCom Plus. It is aimed at new amateurs and those who want to brush up on the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the world […]
The RSGB is sad to report that RadCom Basics Editor Lee Aldridge, G4EJB wishes to retire later this year. The RSGB thanks Lee for all his hard work and effort in the making of RadCom Basics. If you are interested in taking on the role of RadCom Basics Editor, please email
We were delighted to welcome former ARRL Chief Operating Officer, Harold Kramer, WJ1B and his wife Karen to the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park this week. Harold took the opportunity to operate GB3RS to contact ARRL W1AW during his visit.
Over the Coronation weekend, the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park ran a special event station, call sign GB2DAY. Running SSB on the 40m band, to give maximum opportunity for everyone to make a contact, over 500 stations were worked. There was a continuous pile-up of stations calling in from around the UK, […]
We are pleased to announce the team of young RSGB members who will be representing the Society and the UK at this summer’s Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) camp. The event, hosted by the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society (MRASZ), will take place in Gyor, Hungary between 5 and 12 August 2023. The team is made […]
Last year, the RSGB was approached by the BBC to find experts to contribute to its planned series ‘The Secret Genius of Modern Life’. For episode one, which takes a look at the bank card, Neil Smith, G4DBN re-created the Great Seal Bug – a wooden seal, gifted to the US embassy in Moscow in […]