Hi fellow ‘Hams’
This week we were confused, as we heard doors slam, toys were thrown and attitude from our little baby.
Martin and Colin looked at each other and realised that the ICQPodcast is now a teenager – 13th years old.
What a year we have all had. Hamfests have fallen by the wayside, COVID has removed the connection with clubs and friends and travel restrictions have restricted field operations.
During this time, your ICQPodcast team has continued to produce shows fortnightly. The DMR network is bring together listeners from around the world to build friendships and knowledge.
Your help is vital to make our teenager happy
Now, as we celebrate our thirteenth birthday, with listeners in over one hundred countries, and countless friends made along the way, we are asking for your annual support to keep the ICQPodcast free of commercial adverting.
Single Donation
Our most popular donation, one-off donation of £13 to celebrate twelve years of the show – http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate
Subscriptions Keep the Lights On. One-off donations are easy, but to really support the show, consider a subscription donation. Many listeners support the show from as little as £1 a month – http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate
Your support has been amazing
It’s hard to put into words the encouragement and positivity that have been received from listeners over the years. When times have been tough, a kind word or comment about the show gives us the strength to continue.
Keep your family and yourself safe during these times
Thanking you in advance
73 ICQPodcast Team