NEWS FOR SCOTLAND & CLUB NEWS (GB2RS) Extracts inc Additions
(GB2RS Extract -for further details Click the GB2RS link above) The Bath Based Distance Learning team has helped over a thousand students to pass UK amateur radio exams with pass rates consistently above the national average. Their next course will be for Intermediate level and it will run from January to May 2023. The deadline for applications is the 7th of December 2022.
Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Friday of the month for a club night in the lounge bar of the Thorntree Inn. On Monday the club has Morse training from 6.45pm. Tuesday sees a Construction Evening starting at 7pm. Bob, GM4UYZ, 01875 811723, www.cpsarc.com
Glenrothes and District Radio Club has Morse tuition on 145.425MHz from 7.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Check in from 7.15pm. Eric, GM4FQE, 01333 450 753.
Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has an update on EMC Regulations by Nigel, GM4JOJ on Thursday. Fred, GM3ALZ, 01975 651 365.
Details of club activities can usually be found on the individual club’s website. A summary of activities, Nets, Contacts and Links in Scotland can also be found at wosars.club/radio-nets
To have your net listed on the WoSARS website or to report any changes, contact Tony, MM0TMZ by email to rr1@rsgb.org.uk. Please also keep GB2RS updated via email to radcom@rsgb.org.uk
Dundee Amateur Radio Club holds open nets on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm on GB3AG. The next club night is on Tuesday the 8th of November. Martin, 2M0KAU, 0776 370 8933.
Kingdom Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 7pm on 144.750MHz. Steve, MM0SKX, 0771 105 9343.
Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, later moving to around 3.540MHz at 2.30pm for a CW net. There is a Q & A night via Zoom at 7.30pm on Monday. Club Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday the 8th of November. Alternate Tuesdays see a natter on Zoom at 7.30pm. klarcinfo@gmail.co
The Lomond Sunday Night net takes place today. Early check-in is from 7.45pm. All the usual ways to join in are available, via Echolink MB7IBH-L and on 145.3375MHz locally across the Clyde Coast. Paul MM3DDQ mm3ddq@gmail.com
Stirling Amateur Radio Society meets at the Club House, Throsk, FK7 7XY, and is open for projects and operating on Sundays. They also meet at 7.30pm on Thursdays. secretary@gm6nx.com
The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs on Sundays from 6pm on 3.660 or 3.639MHz. Details are on their Facebook page.
Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with ???? … on Monday. See hrn.world
DV Scotland has a multi-mode net on Monday from 8pm to 9.30pm using GM5DVS. This is via all DV Scotland Repeaters on Talk Group 23556. Time Slot 2. In addition, via Allstar HUB 53937 and Echolink MM1CXE. Details of how to connect are at dvscotland.net
Paisley Amateur Radio Club holds a net on Mondays from 8pm on 144.550MHz and on Zello. Tuesday sees a DMR net in room 4415 from 8pm. On Thursday, there is an FM net on 144.550MHz and on Zello from 7.30pm. Stuart, MM0PAZ, 0742 665 0757.
Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society meets on the First and Third Tuesday of the month at the Armed Forces Reserve Centre in Elgin from 7.15pm. www.mfars.club.
Largs & District Amateur Radio Club meets on the Third Tuesday of every month in The Largs Museum, 2 Manse Court, Largs. All are welcome. Check for specific dates from James, GM0GMN james@bertram.scot
Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society has a club night at Crofthead on Tuesday from 7.30pm. On Thursday there is a net on 145.575MHz at 7.30pm. Cathie, 2M0DIB, 01506 433 846.
Caithness Amateur Radio Society has club nets at 2pm on Wednesday and Saturday on 3.740MHz. Club meetings happen in Skirza, near John O’Groats. Nigel, MM7BWT, Mansfield.n27@gmail.com
Galashiels and District Amateur Radio Society meets in the Focus Centre, Livingstone Place, Galashiels at 8pm on Wednesday. Jim Keddie, mail@gm7lun.co.uk
Inverness and District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Wednesdays on GB7BI or BI Chat 475 if Highlands and Islands is busy. This coming Wednesday the Club has meeting to discuss setting up the shack and the GB3BI VHF repeater. Invernessradiosociety@gmail.com
Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society has a ragchew on talk group 23550 from 8pm to 10pm on Wednesday. On Thursday there is a net on 70.425MHz from 8pm. Friday sees the club meeting at Newarthill Community Education Centre, Newarthill, ML1 5JU from 7pm. Simon, 2M0LSG, Secretary@mlars.co.uk.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society will have its usual Solder Group meeting from 6pm on Wednesday at the Sauchiehall Street premises. The club will be meeting at 8pm on Friday at its Rose Street Club Rooms. Jack, GM4COX, wosars.club.
The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. onlineradioclub.org.
Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club and Dumfries & Galloway RAYNET run a Daily open net on GB3DG every day at noon. All are welcome. On Thursday, the net is on GB3DG from 7.30pm, then on Zoom from 8pm for a general evening. Oli, MM0YOS, info@gm4riv.org.
Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a meeting at Prestwick Community Centre from 7.30pm. Derek, MM0OVD, 0742 899 4614.
Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club has a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and in addition on the BATC channel from 8pm. Bill, MM0SFB, gm0syv@btinternet.com