WOTRA  2020 (Women On The Radio Award) Report

WOTRA  2020 (Women On The Radio Award) – Ángeles M.T (EC1YL)

A large number of radio amateurs from around the world, participated in the 2020 annual event.. More Awards for YL’s stations were delivered this year, thereby fulfilling the group mission of encouraging more YL participation.

In 2019 when the Award was launched, the event was more of a practice session, but one year on (2020) it can be considered a success thanks to the increased interest and participation of YLs.

This year, WOTRA has focused more on the work of the Special-Event-Stations  and their regular attendance on the bands, rather than on the individual making a certain number of QSO’s.

Becoming involved required commitment and the responsibility of regular participation.

Much effort and determination was needed  in an event at this level.  Not always an easy task and for this reason, several of the participants who started at the beginning of November, found themselves unable to continue through to the end.

Special thanks to the Operators that participated throughout, they displayed  great team-work and coordination amongst  everyone. In alphabetical order they are:

Ana – EI / EA7KMA
Angels – EC1YL
Carmen – DM4EAX
Cath – MW7CVT
Laila – OE3LZA
Pink- LU7IRS
Ydorca (Mariela) – YV5EVA
Zulema – CO8MGY

In particular I  would like to recognise  Zulema Gonzalez Ochoa CO8MGY  from Cuba. To reward and recognize her work, as the operator that made the most QSO’s, especially as it was her first year in this great event,  She participated with enthusiasm and dedication.

Laila OE3LZA, also had the privilege of being able to get her beautiful Award for her contact with my special station on November 25 (EH1YL), on the occasion of the ‘International Day against Gender Violence’.

Special thanks of course to all the Operators of the Wotra Award 2020  and for their effort to contact their WOTRA colleagues and in obtaining their beautiful Awards.  (2 Dec, 2020)

Women on The Radio  is a Radio Group, created by Ángeles M.T ( EC1YL), for licensed Radio Amateur YL’s Worldwide  https://web.facebook.com/groups/1913222872262810/about

[EDIT – COX: And from a UK perspective BYLARA (British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association – also available via QUICKLINK)]

The National Radio Society of Ireland Formed

NRSI has just been founded this 2020 to provide representation for all those amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners within Ireland who want it. It’s membership is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio communications, who is either a full-time resident or who has in the past spent a minimum of two months in Ireland as a visitor.

NRSI became a member association of EURAO to share ham spirit with other similar entities around the world.

Colin Butler – 14th June 2020

Snips – News For Scotland – 24th May

The news headlines:

  • YOTA Online programme launched
  • SARL celebrates 95 years
  • Change to exam booking system

GB2RS Script – HERE .


 During the COVID crisis a list of known club nets, and activities, is now being published on the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS) web site. They have a table listing times and frequencies and this can be found at https://wosars.club/radio-nets/

The following clubs have submitted their activity details for GB2RS as follows:-

Club activities taking place daily:-

 Ayr Amateur Radio Group has daily nets on 7.035MHz ± QRM at 10.15am, QSY to 7.065MHz for SSB; 145.450MHz at 10.30am; CW on 144.295MHz at 7.30pm, QSY to FM or SSB later.

Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets on Monday to Saturday at 10am on 3.790MHz On Tuesdays and Thursdays on there are also nets on 145.425MHz at 7:20pm. Supplemental to the VHF nets there will be morse training. Contact Tam on 07753 526 498.

Club Activities taking place on specific days:-


 Ayr Amateur Radio Group has a CW net on 144.295MHz from 7pm and 145.450MHz FM at 7.30pm. Contact Derek, MM0OVD, on 0744 793 1941.

Stirling and District Radio Society are running a using the GB3FE repeater located at Stirling from around 10am.

Glasgow and Clyde RAYNET group are running a NET using the MB7IBH gateway at Dumbarton. Access is via EchoLink or on RF on 144.9625 MHz and the net is open to ALL from 8:00pm

Dundee ARC has a net via GB3AG from 7pm. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 07763 708 933.

Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has a net from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, moving to around 3.540MHz for a CW net after the SSB net ends.

Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society has a net from 10pm on 28.475MHz.


 Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 433.525MHz FM at 8pm. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 07740 946 192.

Paisley Amateur Radio Club are running nets on Monday from 2000 on144.550 and Zello


 Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has a net on 145.475MHz FM from 7.30pm

Paisley Amateur Radio Club at 2000 using DMR 4415


 Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on DMR Scotland channel TG23550 from 8pm

Lothians Radio Society will be holding a net on 144.350MHz SSB at 8pm. All are welcome to join in. For further information please contact Andy by email to secretary@lothiansradiosociety.com.

Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has it net from 8pm on 145.575MHz & GB7BI or GB7II slot 1 475. For details, email InvernessRadioSociety@gmail.com.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz. On Friday there’s a net on 145.425MHz also from 8pm. Details are at wosars.club.


 Paisley Amateur Radio Club at 2000 on 144.550 and Zello and  a Virtual Meeting on Zoom at 1930

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club has a net from 7pm on GB3DG. See www.gm4riv.org for other details.

The Lomond Club will be using MB7IBH on 144.9625MHz in the Dumbarton Area from 7:30 and they will be also connected on EchoLink using the same gateway

The Stirling Club has a net on GB3FE from 7pm.


 Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society has a Zello net on the club channel, moving later to 2m FM using GB3KE and EchoLink. Details are at https://mlars.co.uk.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. Details are at wosars.club.

Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club  (SPARCS) runs a net from 1930 on 145.400 MHz also on the BATC channel from 2000hrs contact Bill MM0SFB for information.


 Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an online meeting. Contact Len Paget, GM0ONX, via email to klarcinfo@gmail.com.

Finally a reminder that the list of active club nets is listed on the WoSARS website at  https://wosars.club/radio-nets/. If you want to have your net listed or to report any changes to existing nets please contact Tony Miles MM0TMZ on address rr1@rsgb.org.uk or (07702)-134188 For any other Scottish news please send details to radcom@rsgb.org.uk and note that the deadline is 10am. On Thursday.

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