All Our ‘Communications’ In One Basket

The recent storms to hit the northern half of the UK saw many without cellular, fixed landline and Internet access.

At the moment BT-Openreach still supply a ~48V feed via your fixed landline. Using a POTS (a plain old telephone (Service) – a telephone that doesn’t require a 230V feed) still provides a way of communicating when all else fails (unless of course your landlines have come down). From 2025 the requirement for BT-Openreach to provide this facility will be withdrawn. What then?

Have a read at THIS BBC News article.

I suppose from an amateur viewpoint, we still have good old RF point-to-point communication – in whatever form, but remember your still need power. Have a think about your standby requirements?

73 es keep communicating

Jack – GM4COX

BBC TV Archive Clip of 1949 Ham Radio Contact – BBC TV Rx’d In ZS

Extract off ICQPodcast by Colin Butler – M6BOY

“The BBC Archive shared a clip of a news item about a radio amateur’s reception of BBC TV pictures in Cape Town, South Africa in 1949, it includes an on-air contact

The BBC news item describes the remarkable reception of BBC television pictures from Alexandra Palace, London on 45 MHz by Henry Rieder ZS1P in Cape Town, South Africa.

The clip features a contact between Mr C. G. Allen G8IG of Bromley, Kent and Henry ZS1P in which G8IG asks Henry questions about the TV reception.

A comprehensive article about the transmission can be found on EI7GL’s Website – HERE .

And from the South African Radio League’s( SARL) – Hall of Fame; Mike Bosch ZS2FM first to receive the BBC TV transmissions in 1956 on BAND I. There is a brief description of the equipment used – HERE .

BBC – Ten More Stations To Be Turned Off On The Medium Wave

Ten more local BBC radio stations are turning off their Medium Wave transmitters for good this year.

BBC Essex, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, BBC Radio Devon, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield, BBC Hereford & Worcester, BBC Radio Stoke, BBC Radio Lancashire, BBC Radio Ulster and BBC Radio Foyle will be FM and digital only in May and June 2021………………………

……………………In 2018 the corporation commenced with these and continued them in 2020 across Scotland, Wales, and England…………… Read More – HERE .

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