Andy – MM0FMF & Jack – GM4COX Awarded The Jock Kyle Award For 2019
Copied from a Post off the GM13 Site.
It was surprise for both of us to receive a letter from the Board of the RSGB to the effect that we were to be awarded the trophy at the April GMDX CONVENTION for our work in promoting the use of 13cms in Scotland.
It is a great honour (and humbling) to be nominated by your peers for such a prestigious award. Thanks everybody.
And we are both looking forward to even more activity on 13 (and up) this year. (If the old bones can stand it – in my case (;>)
Andy & Jack(:>J

RSGB Citation – Jock Kyle Memorial Trophy
Prompted by a talk about the 13cm band at the GM Microwave Round Table in November 2016, Andy Sinclair MM0FMF and Jack Hood GM4COX have been working successfully together to promote 13cm activity throughout Scotland. They started by organising a discount order for ready-built transverters for members of the Lothians Radio Society and beyond, and then encouraged and supported the buyers to get on the air. They have shared their enthusiasm for 13cm by giving their own talks at the GM Microwave Round Tables in 2017 and 2018, and to other radio clubs in Scotland, and have stimulated others to become active both from home and out portable.
In January 2017 Andy and Jack set up the Scottish Amateur Radio 13cms Microwave Group at, which has now grown to 54 members. Although initially intended to publicise and coordinate their SOTA expeditions, the group now helps to drive 13cm activity more generally in Scotland and neighbouring areas, and is open to all radio amateurs wherever they are.
For demonstrating how two people taking the initiative can make a real change, Andy Sinclair MM0FMF and Jack Hood GM4COX are deserving recipients of the Jock Kyle Trophy for 2019.
Proposers Rob Ferguson GM3YTS, Gavin Taylor GM0GAV, Mike Eccles GM3PPE, Ian White GM3SEK, Martin Hall GM8IEM, Geoff Crowley MM5AHO and Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL