During ‘On-Air’ chats, members of WoSARS often hear me describe some of the fun that can be had on microwave frequencies; especially for myself 13cms (2.3/2.4GHz) whilst out Activating a SOTA summit.
These escapades evolved from the creation of the GM13 GROUP of likeminded amateurs in 2017.
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Following the successful launch and operation of OSCAR 100 in 2018/19; this has opened up the opportunity to predictably work distant stations around Europe, Asia, Africa and even South America. Using the Satellite’s 13cms UP and 3cms (10GHz) DOWN translator; some of our hardy band of SOTA-microeers have put together kit to access this facility.
Andrew G4VFL was an early adopter of this challenge (see WoSARS Web March 2020 Article – HERE ) along with his ‘partner-in-crime’ Nick G0HIK; they have been progressively ‘knockin’ off summits in LD (Lake District) and SS (Southern Scotland).
G/LD-024 Pike O Blisco – Nick G0HIK Operating (19/05/21) [PIC – G0HIK]Now not having quite the enthusiasm of the ‘twosomes’ as to lugging dishes up summits, I do however benefit from potential Summit-to-Summit’s S2S’s, utilising my 8 ele Bow-Tie and SG transverter (2W out) and the gain of the dishes at the other end.
GM/SS-142 Scawld Law – GM4COX’s 8 El Bow-Tie (19/05/21) [PIC – GM4COX]Popping down to just below the 2.4GHz UP Oscar frequency (2399.950MHz), it is possible to work Point-to-Point (S2S) utilising the high gain of the dishes – with the majority of the contacts being made on FM (of course falling back on SSB/CW on marginal paths).
GM/SS-100 Croft Head – GM4COX Bow-Tie on Walking Pole (19/05/21) – see end of this Post for design information [PIC – GM4COX]And Wednesday 19th (May) this week, saw us all heading out on a predetermined series of Activations; an LD for Nick (and Chris M0KPW), and SS’s for Andrew and myself.
Predicted Path Profile – G/LD-024 to GM/SS-037 [PIC – G4VFL – CLICK to View]Path Routes – G/LD-024 to GM/SS-037,100, 142 [PIC – GM4COX – CLICK to View]So why not join us. Just bring along your kitchen microwave to a suitable top – you never know who you’ll work.
And I’ll leave the last word to Nick:
“……… Hi Guys,
Thanks for the contacts today, it was staggering how strong you both were. I think GM/SS-037 was 110km and GM/SS-142 was 99km. Sorry we could not stay around for your 2nd one Jack …………..”
EDIT: 10/06/21 – The design for the 8el Bow-Tie has been added to the GM13 Site. If you would like a copy please email gm4cox@gmail.com (file size 4MB)