Special Events News – 2 July 2019
Contest News – 2 July 2019
Propagation News – 2 June 2019
Snips – News for Scotland – 2 June 2019
Ofcom licensing portal downtime
The RSGB Relaunch RadCom_Basics
As you may have seen in the June issue of RadCom we are pleased to welcome the re-launch of the bi-monthly RadCom Basics.
RadCom Basics is a bi-monthly digital publication targeted at RSGB Members new to amateur radio or less experienced and so it explores key aspects of amateur radio in a straightforward and accessible way. RadCom Basics is sent as an email alert to subscribers when each edition is published and the alert provides a list of contents and links to the various articles. If you would like to receive these email alerts then you will need to complete the short sign up form which can be found by clicking here.
The first issue of the re-launched series is due for release on Friday 31 May 2019 and contains articles on Working portable this summer. Understanding squares, locators and zones and a guide to Antennas – what is impedance and reactance?
Elecraft News – May
RadCom June 2019, Vol. 95, No. 6
Andre’ – GM3VLB SK
Email from Alan – GM3PSP “………sad news of the passing of Andre Saunders GM3VLB…………”
Sad news indeed. Anne (GM4UXX) knew Andre through their profession as teachers. And of course I knew Andre through his escapades with low (ish) QRP and simple aerials and his island jaunts. Indeed I had Andre come to WoSARS many years ago describing these jaunts. Went down well. Always enjoyed having a rag-chew at the various rallys. And wonder where you heard the news of his passing? We could have included this in our GB2RS broadcast this morning.
Andre was actually member of the LRS and he and Veronica usually came up from Kelso for our social events – summer BBQ, Christmas Curry etc.
I saw them at the MoC at a lecture just a couple of weeks ago and he told me about his condition. He was already in pain and walking with a stick. I took the attached photo of them outside the MoC after the talk.
I was shocked to learn of his passing last Thursday after Veronica told one of our members. We shall be helping her to dispose of his equipment. It occurs to me that we should be trying to write up a VIP-SK for him.
Alan – GM3PSP
03/06/19 Update: RSGB Obituary – HERE .