VER20241025, Version entity is San Felix & San Ambrosio, CE0X Download: [ CTY-3436 | CT8 | Win-Test | WriteLog | XML ] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: 3D2AG/P is Rotuma Island, 3D2/r 3V8CB/J is Tunisia, 3V EC5AHA and EC5AHA/8 are both Canary Islands, … Continue reading →
Version entity is (null) ADIFCnt.txt has 340 DXCC entities and 62 deleted DXCC entities. arrlpre3.txt has 25646 prefix+callsign mappings. cqwwpre3.txt has 25802 prefix+callsign mappings. [download] Added Prefixes/Callsigns: EC5AHA/8 and EC5AHA are both Canary Is., EA8 GB0GTS is Scotland, GM/t HC5CW/8 … Continue reading →
Version entity is Greenland, OX [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: EC5AHA and EC5AHA/8 are both Canary Islands, EA8 GB0GTS is Scotland, GM HC5CW/8 is Galapagos Islands, HC8 KF6IAO is in CQ zone 4, not CQ zone 5 KG5XR is in CQ zone … Continue reading →
Version entity is Burkina Faso, XT Entities: 402 Prefixes: 4,715 Callsigns: 33,003 Managers: 103,912 Addresses: 14,120 [download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier [download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later [Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA] Entities Prefixes 9M67M from 23 August 2024 through 30 September 2024 is West Malaysia, … Continue reading →
The centenary Friday 18 October 2024 marked 100 years since the first successful two-way trans-global communication that took place between radio amateurs in the UK and New Zealand. The contact was made between a North London school student Cecil Goyder, call sign 2SZ, and Frank Bell, call sign 4AA, who was a sheep farmer from […]
Following its meeting in October, the RSGB Board has shared these key messages: Appointment of Youth Champions: Chris Aitken, MM0WIC was appointed as RSGB School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams M0WGY/AJ6XD as the University Youth Champion. Board welcomed them to their new roles and looked forward to receiving reports of their activities and initiatives Board noted […]
The RSGB has just appointed Chris Aitken, MM0WIC as the RSGB School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams, M0WGY/AJ6XD as the University Youth Champion. But the Society needs two more Youth Champions to join the team… Do you have what it takes to engage with young people, supporting them on their amateur radio journey? The role […]
The RSGB Shop is offline for essential maintenance this morning. The hosting provider is currently investigating an issue, and we will have the RSGB Shop up-amd-running again as soon as possible. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience. While we are waiting for the issue to be resolved you can still make orders by […]