The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon started at 0000UTC on Sunday the 1 December and ends at 2359UTC on Friday 31 January 2025. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report and locator. The ARRL 10m Contest started at 0000UTC on Saturday 14 December, and ends at 2359UTC today, Sunday […]
Youngsters on the Air Month is now halfway through, with plenty more operators left to host GB24YOTA. There is still time to work the RSGB National Radio Centre’s GB3RS station which is hosting the call sign for the duration of today, Sunday 15 December. On Wednesday 18 December, the Simon Langton Boys School in Canterbury […]
The RSGB’s headquarters will close for the Christmas and New Year period from 2pm on Tuesday 24 December 2024. It will open again at 8.30am on Thursday 2 January 2025. During that time, if you need information about amateur radio, exams or RadCom you’ll find lots of information on the website. If you are planning to […]
VER20241213, Version entity is Lebanon, OD Download: [ CTY-3439 | CT8 | Win-Test | WriteLog | XML ] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: 3V8CB/YOTA is Tunisia, 3V A61Q/ND is United Arab Emirates, A6 IZ1KHY/IA0 is Antarctica, CE9 EA2EZ/P and EA9ADD/P are both Spain, …
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Version entity is Guinea-Bissau, J5 ADIFCnt.txt has 340 DXCC entities and 62 deleted DXCC entities. arrlpre3.txt has 25763 prefix+callsign mappings. cqwwpre3.txt has 25919 prefix+callsign mappings. [download] Added Prefixes/Callsigns: IZ1KHY/IA0 is Antarctica, CE9 in CQ Zone 13, ITU Zone 74 TX24HAID …
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Version entity is Guinea-Bissau, J5 [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: IZ1KHY/IA0 is Antarctica, CE9 TX24HAID is New Caledonia, FK TX5NH is French Polynesia, FO II0ROMA and IR0WWA are both Sardinia, IS KH7HJ is in ITU zone 8, not ITU zone 6 KH7HJ …
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Version entity is Christmas Island, VK9X Entities: 402 Prefixes: 4,715 Callsigns: 33,142 Managers: 104,330 Addresses: 14,141 [download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier [download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later [Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA] Entities Prefixes Callsigns 3V8CB/YOTA during 1-3 December 2023 is Tunisia, 3V 3V8CB/YOTA during 1-7 …
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We have been developing the RSGB Convention over recent years to suit the changing needs of the amateur radio community. From a face-to-face meeting it evolved into an online event when we weren’t allowed to meet, then changed again into a hybrid event, bringing together the best of both for people in this country and […]
The RSGB facilitates just over sixty lectures each year in a mixture of in-person, hybrid and remote formats. Fifty of these are at the RSGB Convention, and eleven are delivered through the livestreamed Tonight@8 webinars programme of events. This set of presentations aims to cover a wide mix of amateur-radio-related subjects, across all depths of amateur radio […]
Strategy update: the RSGB Outreach Team The RSGB Outreach Team is a band of enthusiastic radio amateurs from the four countries of the United Kingdom. We want to provide radio amateurs with the resources to show that amateur radio has much to offer and is an exciting modern hobby. We hope that people will […]