Version entity is Samoa, 5W [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: N0FUL is in ITU zone 6, not ITU zone 7 N0FUL is in CQ zone 3, not CQ zone 4 N0VAO, W0GG, W9CTY and WD8DII are all United States, K in CQ … Continue reading →
Version entity is Australia, VK Entities: 402 Prefixes: 4,715 Callsigns: 33,180 Managers: 104,480 Addresses: 14,156 [download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier [download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later [Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA] Entities Prefixes Callsigns EA2TW from 17 February 2024 through 2 January 2025 is Spain, EA … Continue reading →
Barrie Clark – G3VCL – passed away at home, in Southampton, UK on the 3rd December 2024. He had been a keen radio amateur for over 50 years, operating from both the UK and while working overseas in Zambia and Oman. Whilst he hung up his key a few years ago, his knowledge and love […]
VER20241231, Version entity is Trinidad & Tobago, 9Y Download: [ CTY-3441 | CT8 | Win-Test | WriteLog | XML ] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: IZ1KHY/IA0 is in ITU zone 70, not ITU zone 74 IZ1KHY/IA0 is in CQ zone 29, not CQ … Continue reading →
Version entity is Scarborough Reef, BS7H ADIFCnt.txt has 340 DXCC entities and 62 deleted DXCC entities. arrlpre3.txt has 25755 prefix+callsign mappings. cqwwpre3.txt has 25911 prefix+callsign mappings. [download] Added Prefixes/Callsigns: IZ1KHY/IA0 and IA0/IZ1KHY are both Antarctica, CE9 in CQ Zone 29, … Continue reading →
Version entity is Scarborough Reef, BS7 [download] Added/changed Entities/Prefixes/Callsigns: IZ1KHY/IA0 is in ITU zone 70, not ITU zone 74 IZ1KHY/IA0 is in CQ zone 29, not CQ zone 13 N3VBS is in ITU zone 7, not ITU zone 8 N3ZZ … Continue reading →
Version entity is Niger, 5U Entities: 402 Prefixes: 4,715 Callsigns: 33,171 Managers: 104,463 Addresses: 14,149 [download] DX4WIN 8.05 and earlier [download] DX4WIN 9.01 and later [Entities] [Prefixes] [Callsigns] [Managers] [IOTA] Entities Prefixes Callsigns 3V8CB/YOTA during 1-27 December 2024 is Tunisia, 3V EA2EZ/P and EA3RKM during … Continue reading →
Many thanks to SRAA contributor Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:
Broadcaster: Radio Cairo circa 1971
Frequency: 9.475 MHz
Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna
Notes: I don't recall Radio Cairo having an interval signal but this music was heard at the beginning of every broadcast. They used this frequency for as long as I can remember, and I was quite excited to receive their exotic looking QSL. My receiving equipment consisted of a Hallicrafters S-52 hooked up to an outdoor longwire antenna.
During the week before Christmas, CEPT project team FM44 finished their work on a draft ECC Decision to designate and harmonise the three GALILEO radio navigation satellite service bands including the E6 band 1258 to 1300 MHz. In this band …
RSGB HQ has now closed for Christmas and New Year and will re-open at 08.30 on Thursday, 2 January 2025. While we’re closed, if you need information about amateur radio, exams or RadCom, you’ll find lots of information on this website. Our online shop at is open throughout the holiday period, but no orders […]